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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 692 Category: General / Unknown
Title: Delete bug on flashfxp Status: Closed (Discarded)
Severity: Minor Version: 4.2 stable

Junior Member
04-10-2012, 09:35 AM
Delete bug on flashfxp

FlashFXP can't delete a file like "WinXP\\WinXP.vdi" on a unix system. The file will be showed as "WinXP\WinXP.vdi" in FlashFXP and so it couldn't be deleted.
Super Duper
04-10-2012, 02:29 PM
Re: Delete bug on flashfxp

Are you referring to \\ characters in the name?
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Junior Member
04-16-2012, 01:27 AM
Re: Delete bug on flashfxp

What do you mean? FlashFXP displays the file as "\WinXP.vdi", but on the linux system the name is "\\WinXP.vdi". And because that I couldn't delete, move or do anyting else with the file.
FlashFXP Developer
04-16-2012, 01:45 PM
Re: Delete bug on flashfxp

I'm not entirely sure where you are trying to delete the file from,
Are you referring to a remote server where this file is located?

If not please explain.
FlashFXP Developer
04-29-2012, 02:51 PM
Re: Delete bug on flashfxp

A new beta has been released to address this issue, https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/freque...a-updates.html

Please let us know if you continue to encounter this issue after updating.
Junior Member
04-29-2012, 03:33 PM
Re: Delete bug on flashfxp

The file was created by VirtualBox while I tried something, but I don't know how to reproduce the error. So I can't test it right now. Sorry.
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