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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 661 Category: General / Unknown
Title: files search tool Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Medium Version: 4.1 stable

Junior Member
02-17-2012, 09:15 PM
files search tool

When i use "Server File Search" there and only criteria i use is date e.g. most of files on my ftp are changed 02/01/2012 (feb/01/2012) at 9:47PM and when i set date for search
"between 2/2/2012 and 2/18/2012" it lists files modified 02/01/2012 9:47PM as well.

Would also be nice to have time for search this way i can find what files i modified when e.g. i have 2 identical servers "development" and "live" if i sync live -> development at 02/01/2012 (feb/01/2012) at 9:47PM and start working on "development server" but then at same time i change files on "live server" and then when i need to sync development -> live i need to identify what files have changed on live so i don't lose changes i made even five minutes after 02/01/2012 (feb/01/2012) at 9:47PM.
FlashFXP Developer
02-17-2012, 10:56 PM
Re: files search tool

After reviewing this feature it would appear that the date comparison doesn't factor in the time-zone offset that is used when displaying the date/time.

I will update it to use the adjusted date/time.

Just a thought.. Once you do your search based on a date range you can always sort by the date column to refine your results.
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