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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 634 Category: Server Compatibility Issue
Title: Upgraded to 4.1.7 (build 1688) Unable to connect to my home FTP Status: Closed (Discarded)
Severity: Major Version: 4.1 stable

Junior Member
Patrick Moran
12-27-2011, 10:09 AM
Upgraded to 4.1.7 (build 1688) Unable to connect to my home FTP

Upgraded to 4.1.7 (build 1688) Unable to connect to my home FTP

Previous to this build (I just upgraded) I was able to connect to my home FTP server (Bulletproof FTP Server 2010) using the Active transfer.

Now I can connect but I am unable to download directories.
Yet I am able to connect using Filezilla with the same settings.

This is the connection log (I modified the login and address)

FlashFXP 4.1.7 (build 1688)
Support Forums http://forum.flashfxp.com
Winsock 2.2 -- OpenSSL 1.0.0e 6 Sep 2011
[R] Connecting to Home -> DNS=ftp.dyndns.org IP= PORT=21
[R] Connected to Home
[R] 220 My FTP
[R] USER xxxxxxx
[R] 331 Password required for xxxxxxx.
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 230 User xxxxxx logged in.
[R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[R] 211-Extensions supported:
[R] 211 End.
[R] 200 "FlashFXP" noted.
[R] 257 "/" is current directory.
[R] 200 Type set to A.
[R] Listening on PORT: 64889, Waiting for connection.
[R] PORT 10,2,0,118,253,121
[R] 200 Port command successful.
[R] LIST -al
[R] 150 Opening data connection for directory list.
<<<<This is where it sits until I tell it to disconnect>>>>
[R] 221 Goodbye.
[R] Logged off: Home

Thanks for any assistance
FlashFXP Developer
12-27-2011, 07:19 PM
Re: Upgraded to 4.1.7 (build 1688) Unable to connect to my home FTP

This issue has me quite puzzled.

Do you recall what specific build you upgraded from?

None of the code for active mode connections has been touched for quite some time.

I did some tests and I was not able to reproduce the problem however your setup is somewhat unusual, it appears you're connecting to the site via perhaps a WAN IP but want to access the site locally via a LAN, is that correct?

Typically when you connect to a site via the WAN IP the PORT mode uses your external IP and not the local network IP, but in your case it's using the local network IP.

I imagine Filezilla is using your WAN IP for the PORT command?

Do you have FlashFXP configured to lookup your WAN IP or do you have it defined as a static IP?
FlashFXP Developer
03-15-2012, 08:44 AM
Re: Upgraded to 4.1.7 (build 1688) Unable to connect to my home FTP

This report has been closed because the reporter hasn't replied with the requested information.
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