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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 612 Category: General / Unknown
Title: 3000 files, can't update list Status: Closed (Not a bug)
Severity: Medium Version: 4.1 stable

Junior Member
11-22-2011, 08:00 AM
3000 files, can't update list


Since my file contains over 3000 files, the update is no longer when I add a file in folder.

Could you fix the bug?

FlashFXP Developer
11-22-2011, 09:06 AM
Re: 3000 files, can't update list

Are you referring to the directory listing on the remote ftp server?

Some FTP servers limit the number of items displayed in the directory to 3,000.

This is a limit imposed by the FTP server and the only way to over come it is by reconfiguring the FTP server.
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