I had a site configured to use STAT -l.
I connected to it, got dir listing, pressed F4, changed listing method to (auto detect), clicked Save button.
Disconneted from the site and reconnected back to it, FlashFXP doesn't issue dir list command and shows current listing as empty.
[02:33:14] [L] Connecting to siteA -> DNS=domain IP= PORT=21
[02:33:14] [L] Connected to siteA
[02:33:14] [L] 220 DreamHost FTP Server
[02:33:14] [L] USER mxxcon
[02:33:14] [L] 331 Password required for mxxcon
[02:33:14] [L] PASS (hidden)
[02:33:14] [L] 230 User mxxcon logged in
[02:33:14] [L] SYST
[02:33:14] [L] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[02:33:14] [L] FEAT
[02:33:14] [L] 211-Features:
[02:33:14] [L] MDTM
[02:33:14] [L] MFMT
[02:33:14] [L] TVFS
[02:33:14] [L] UTF8
[02:33:14] [L] MFF modify;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;
[02:33:14] [L] MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;UNIX.group*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;
[02:33:14] [L] LANG fr-FR;bg-BG;ko-KR.UTF-8;ko-KR;ja-JP.UTF-8;ja-JP;zh-CN;en-US;zh-TW
[02:33:14] [L] REST STREAM
[02:33:14] [L] SIZE
[02:33:14] [L] 211 End
[02:33:14] [L] PWD
[02:33:14] [L] 257 "/" is the current directory
[02:33:14] [L] STAT -al
[02:33:14] [L] List Complete: 639 bytes in 0.26 seconds (0.6 KB/s)
[02:33:34] [L] QUIT
[02:33:34] [L] 221 Goodbye.
[02:33:34] [L] Logged off: siteA
[02:33:38] [L] Connecting to siteA -> DNS=domain IP= PORT=21
[02:33:38] [L] Connected to siteA
[02:33:38] [L] 220 DreamHost FTP Server
[02:33:38] [L] USER mxxcon
[02:33:38] [L] 331 Password required for mxxcon
[02:33:38] [L] PASS (hidden)
[02:33:38] [L] 230 User mxxcon logged in
[02:33:38] [L] SYST
[02:33:38] [L] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[02:33:38] [L] FEAT
[02:33:38] [L] 211-Features:
[02:33:38] [L] MDTM
[02:33:38] [L] MFMT
[02:33:38] [L] TVFS
[02:33:38] [L] UTF8
[02:33:38] [L] MFF modify;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;
[02:33:38] [L] MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;UNIX.group*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;
[02:33:38] [L] LANG fr-FR;bg-BG;ko-KR.UTF-8;ko-KR;ja-JP.UTF-8;ja-JP;zh-CN;en-US;zh-TW
[02:33:38] [L] REST STREAM
[02:33:38] [L] SIZE
[02:33:38] [L] 211 End
[02:33:38] [L] OPTS UTF8 ON
[02:33:38] [L] 200 UTF8 set to on
[02:33:38] [L] PWD
[02:33:38] [L] 257 "/" is the current directory
[02:33:38] [L] CWD /
[02:33:38] [L] 250 CWD command successful
[02:33:38] [L] PWD
[02:33:38] [L] 257 "/" is the current directory