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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 59 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Disable non-relevant context menus Status: Closed (Discarded)
Severity: Minor Version: 3.4.1 (Beta)

Junior Member
08-21-2007, 09:51 AM
Disable non-relevant context menus

The Expand Folder and Expand All Folders context menus should be disabled for uploads since they do nothing.
FlashFXP Developer
08-21-2007, 04:19 PM
Re: Disable non-relevant context menus

The only way to determine if 'Expand Folder' or 'Expand All Folders' should be enabled is to enumerate the selection/entire queue and check to make sure at least one of the entries is a download transfer type, however this process is slow and depending on the number of entries in the queue it isn't practical to perofrm this check due to performance issues.
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