Originally Posted by MxxCon
you will need to post a lot more of the session log from working and not working versions
Here is the session log from a failed attempt:
[2011-04-23 07:19:06 am] [R] Connecting to Betty -> DNS=boops.myftp.org IP= PORT=4401
[2011-04-23 07:19:06 am] [R] Connected to Betty
[2011-04-23 07:19:06 am] [R] 220 Gene6 FTP Server v3.10.0 (Build 2) ready...
[2011-04-23 07:19:06 am] [R] AUTH SSL
[2011-04-23 07:19:06 am] [R] 234 AUTH command ok; starting SSL connection.
[2011-04-23 07:19:06 am] [R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[2011-04-23 07:19:06 am] [R] TLSv1 negotiation successful...
[2011-04-23 07:19:06 am] [R] TLSv1 encrypted session using cipher AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[2011-04-23 07:19:06 am] [R] PBSZ 0
[2011-04-23 07:19:06 am] [R] 200 PBSZ=0
[2011-04-23 07:19:06 am] [R] USER snobrdr
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] 331 Password required for snobrdr.
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] PASS (hidden)
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] 230 User snobrdr logged in.
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] SYST
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] FEAT
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] 211-Extensions supported:
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] AUTH TLS
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] CCC
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] CLNT
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] CPSV
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] EPRT
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] EPSV
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] MDTM
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] MFCT
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] MFMT
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] MLST type*;size*;create;modify*;
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] MODE Z
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] PASV
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] PBSZ
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] PROT
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] REST STREAM
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] SIZE
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] SSCN
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] TVFS
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] UTF8
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] XCRC "filename" SP EP
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] XMD5 "filename" SP EP
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] XSHA1 "filename" SP EP
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] 211 End.
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] CLNT FlashFXP
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] 200 Noted.
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] OPTS UTF8 ON
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] 200 UTF8 OPTS ON
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] PWD
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] 257 "/" is current directory.
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] CWD /Test Delete me please
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] 250 CWD command successful. "/Test Delete me please" is current directory.
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] PWD
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] 257 "/Test Delete me please" is current directory.
[2011-04-23 07:19:07 am] [R] MODE Z
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] 200 Mode Z ok.
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] PROT P
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] 200 PROT command successful.
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] PASV
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,100,95,238)
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 24558
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] MLSD
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] TLSv1 negotiation successful...
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] TLSv1 encrypted session using cipher AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting.
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] 226-Compression : 64.67% (130 Bytes/201 Bytes).
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] 226 Transfer ok.
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] List Complete: 193 bytes in 0.82 seconds (0.2 KB/s)
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] TYPE I
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] 200 Type set to I.
[2011-04-23 07:19:08 am] [R] PASV
[2011-04-23 07:19:09 am] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,100,95,239)
[2011-04-23 07:19:09 am] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 24559
[2011-04-23 07:19:09 am] [R] REST 15671236
[2011-04-23 07:19:09 am] [R] 350 Restarting at 15671236. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[2011-04-23 07:19:09 am] [R] STOR Hirens.BootCD.13.2.zip
[2011-04-23 07:19:09 am] [R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[2011-04-23 07:19:09 am] [R] TLSv1 negotiation successful...
[2011-04-23 07:19:09 am] [R] TLSv1 encrypted session using cipher AES256-SHA (256 bits)
[2011-04-23 07:19:09 am] [R] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for /Test Delete me please/Hirens.BootCD.13.2.zip
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] Transfer Timed Out
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] [R] 226-Compression : 100.03% (3.737 MBytes/3.736 MBytes).
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] [R] 226 File received ok.
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] Resumed: Hirens.BootCD.13.2.zip 0 bytes in 1 minute 0 second (0.0 KB/s)
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] [R] Transfer Failed!
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] [R] PASV
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,100,95,238)
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 24558
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] [R] REST 15671236
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] [R] 350 Restarting at 15671236. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] [R] STOR Hirens.BootCD.13.2.zip
[2011-04-23 07:20:09 am] [R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] [R] 550 Cannot STOR. No permission.
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] [R] Transfer Failed!
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] [R] PASV
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,100,95,238)
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 24558
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] [R] REST 15671236
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] [R] 350 Restarting at 15671236. Send STORE or RETRIEVE.
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] [R] STOR Hirens.BootCD.13.2.zip
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] [R] Connected. Negotiating TLSv1 session
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] [R] 550 Cannot STOR. No permission.
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] [R] Transfer Failed!
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] Transfer queue completed
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] Transferred 1 File (0 bytes) in 1 minute 4 second (0.0 KB/s)
[2011-04-23 07:20:10 am] 1 File Failed
[2011-04-23 07:20:21 am] [R] QUIT
[2011-04-23 07:20:21 am] [R] 221 Goodbye.
[2011-04-23 07:20:21 am] Log Closed