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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 466 Category: General / Unknown
Title: Compare is not case-insensitive in v4.x Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Minor Version: 4.0

Junior Member
03-11-2011, 01:41 PM
Compare is not case-insensitive in v4.x

In FlashFXP v3.x the Compare function was case-insensitive, but in v4.x this has become case-sensitive.


FTP1 contains:

FTP2 contains

In flashfxp v3.x the compare would match both dirs as existing on both sites.
In flashfxp v4.x it only matches dir1, not dir2.

This makes you think dir2 is missing on FTP2, so when using a unix-based ftpd you could end up with both dir2 and DIR2 on the remote target.

In the simple case here you would notice, but when used for dirs with 100s or 1000s of entries this becomes a big issue.

If this on purpose, then please make it optionable, so you can select if it should be case-sensitive or case-insensitive!

Also, i am aware that partial name-matching partially eliminates the problem, but this gives to many false positives to be useful in this scenario.

To replicate:

Setup the above mentioned test setup
Go to Tools -> Compare folder content
Make sure none of the settings is enabled there
Select 'Compare folder content' (or use ctrl+d)

Using FlashFXP v4.0.0 (Build 1540) Portable on Windows 7 Professional (English).
This was not an issue in FlashFXP v3.6.0 (build 1240) Portable.
The bug existed in the previous build of v4 as well.
FlashFXP Developer
03-11-2011, 02:41 PM
Re: Compare is not case-insensitive in v4.x

After some review I have confirmed that this has changed in 4.0.

When doing a non-partial match the comparison is case-sensitive.

Most likely we'll need to make this optional to appeal to all customers, this was specifically changed for UNIX servers where item names can exist with different text case and in some situations its important to be able to do an exact comparison on this.

I can see where in some situations you may or may not need case-sensitive comparing.
Junior Member
03-14-2011, 07:57 AM
Re: Compare is not case-insensitive in v4.x

This solution works perfect, thank you
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