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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 410 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Selection rectangle doesn't always select files Status: Closed (Not a bug)
Severity: Minor Version: N/A

Junior Member
11-18-2010, 08:39 AM
Selection rectangle doesn't always select files


Using Vista SP2 - themes enabled.

I believe there's an issue with the selection rectangle not actually selecting files/folders.

When dragging from below the items in the list and moving in an up and left motion, the items aren't selected unless the drag starts within a certain X co-ordinate range within the column (the column width seems to play a part in size of the range).

The selection rectangle itself seems to display just fine (although it appears to go beyond the top of the listview and you lose the darker blue line at the top into/under the header), just nothing gets selected.

As an example, assume the 'Name' column is 400 pixels wide.

If I drag up and left anywhere below 100, it won't select anything. If I drag up and right so it goes beyond 100, it selects stuff.

Likewise, if I drag up and right beyond 300, it won't select anything. If I drag up and left so it goes below 300, it selects stuff.
FlashFXP Developer
11-18-2010, 11:37 AM
Re: Selection rectangle doesn't always select files

I have observed this as well and I thought it was unusual.

This behavior appears to occur when Preferences > File Browser > full row select is unchecked.

The Windows Explorer file browser built into the OS uses full row select and its not possible to turn it off directly, you must use a registry tweak, but when this tweak is applied turning off full row select the selection behavior in Windows Explorer is identical to FlashFXP.

In v3.6 full row select is checked by default, in v4.0 it's unchecked by default which may make this more noticeable on Vista and up. Perhaps full row select should be made default based on this information, I can understand the possible confusion with the item selection.
Junior Member
11-18-2010, 12:22 PM
Re: Selection rectangle doesn't always select files

Ah yes, I see the same thing here if 'RowSelect' is disabled on the T(Tnt)ListView.

I'd say it's worth reverting to that being enabled by default - especially as this helps consistency/continuity between the OS itself and FlashFXP.
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