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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 348 Category: General / Unknown
Title: Transfer failed File does not exist (xbox) Status: Closed
Severity: Medium Version: 3.7.8 BETA

Junior Member
07-02-2010, 02:42 PM
Transfer failed File does not exist (xbox)


I have a ftp connection from my laptop (OS: Vista) to my xbox (XBMC).
But when I transfer a game, 80 files fail to transfer.

This is what it says in the middle:

Transferred: v2ta.viv 2,88 MB in 0,41 seconds (7,11 MB/s)
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,3,4,125)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 1149
[R] STOR v2wp.viv
[R] 150 Connection accepted
[R] 226- Free space: [C:\ 324.16 MB] [E:\ 362.42 MB] [F:\ 19.90 GB] [G:\ 0.00 bytes]
[R] 226 Transfer OK
Transferred: v2wp.viv 1,19 MB in 0,22 seconds (5,45 MB/s)
[R] MKD /F/Games/Def Jam Fight For NY/audio
[R] 257 "/F/Games/Def Jam Fight For NY/audio" Was created
[R] CWD /F/Games/Def Jam Fight For NY/audio
[R] 250 CWD successful. "/F/Games/Def Jam Fight For NY/audio" is current directory.
[R] 257 "/F/Games/Def Jam Fight For NY/audio" is current directory.
[R] 200 Type set to A
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,3,4,126)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 1150
[R] LIST -al
[R] 150 Connection accepted
[R] 226- Free space: [C:\ 324.16 MB] [E:\ 362.42 MB] [F:\ 19.90 GB] [G:\ 0.00 bytes]
[R] 226 Transfer OK
[R] List Complete: 0 bytes in 0,05 seconds (0,0 KB/s)
D:\Downloads\Def Jam Fight For NY\Def Jam Fight For NY\audio\animtags.dat: File does not exist!
[R] Transfer Failed!
D:\Downloads\Def Jam Fight For NY\Def Jam Fight For NY\audio\music0.viv: File does not exist!
[R] Transfer Failed!
D:\Downloads\Def Jam Fight For NY\Def Jam Fight For NY\audio\music1.viv: File does not exist!
[R] Transfer Failed!
D:\Downloads\Def Jam Fight For NY\Def Jam Fight For NY\audio\music2.viv: File does not exist!
[R] Transfer Failed!
D:\Downloads\Def Jam Fight For NY\Def Jam Fight For NY\audio\music3.viv: File does not exist!
[R] Transfer Failed!
D:\Downloads\Def Jam Fight For NY\Def Jam Fight For NY\audio\music4.viv: File does not exist!
[R] Transfer Failed!
D:\Downloads\Def Jam Fight For NY\Def Jam Fight For NY\audio\sfx0.viv: File does not exist!
[R] Transfer Failed!
D:\Downloads\Def Jam Fight For NY\Def Jam Fight For NY\audio\sfx1.viv: File does not exist!
[R] Transfer Failed!
D:\Downloads\Def Jam Fight For NY\Def Jam Fight For NY\audio\sfx2.viv: File does not exist!
[R] Transfer Failed!
D:\Downloads\Def Jam Fight For NY\Def Jam Fight For NY\audio\sfx3.viv: File does not exist!
[R] Transfer Failed!

And at the end:

Transferred: venue.xml 18 KB in 0,05 seconds (402,6 KB/s)
[R] CWD /F/Games
[R] 250 CWD successful. "/F/Games" is current directory.
[R] 257 "/F/Games" is current directory.
[R] 200 Type set to A
[R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,3,4,137)
[R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 1161
[R] LIST -al
[R] 150 Connection accepted
[R] 226- Free space: [C:\ 324.16 MB] [E:\ 362.42 MB] [F:\ 19.90 GB] [G:\ 0.00 bytes]
[R] 226 Transfer OK
[R] List Complete: 1 KB in 0,08 seconds (18,0 KB/s)
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 38 files totaling 416,52 MB in 59,73 seconds (7,68 MB/s)
80 Files failed to transfer

This is not the first time I try to transfer files with flashfxp, however it is the first time with this laptop.
Also this isn't the only game that is acting like this I got 2 more with the same problem.

Help would be Appreciated

PS: I transferred a movie which went fine but these games seem to fail all the time
FlashFXP Developer
07-02-2010, 04:40 PM
Re: Transfer failed File does not exist (xbox)

What specific build are you using?

If you're using any 3.7.8 BETA releases these releases are extremely buggy and should be avoided.
Junior Member
07-03-2010, 02:36 AM
Re: Transfer failed File does not exist (xbox)

It says 3.7.7 but I couldn't choose that in the forum
Tell me if you have any ideas please, I will try another build this afternoon.
Super Duper
07-04-2010, 01:43 PM
Re: Transfer failed File does not exist (xbox)

xbox doesn't support path with space in it, does it?
[Sig removed by Administrator: Signature can not exceed 20GB]
FlashFXP Developer
07-06-2010, 11:38 AM
Re: Transfer failed File does not exist (xbox)

This build is no longer supported, you'll need to use 3.6 final or if you're a beta tester you'll need to upgrade to the newest beta.
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