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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 1075 Category: General / Unknown
Title: unable to delete schedule teaks Status: Closed
Severity: Minor Version: 5.2

Junior Member
09-29-2015, 05:53 AM
unable to delete schedule teaks

if i go to tools>schedule i have two schedules which have a error: 0xD the data is invalid. i try to delete them and they just come back.
FlashFXP Developer
09-29-2015, 11:59 AM
Re: unable to delete schedule teaks

This is very strange but since you're trying to delete them, please try deleting the schedule.dat file directly from your FlashFXP data folder and see if that resolves the problem.
Junior Member
09-30-2015, 03:32 AM
Re: unable to delete schedule teaks

no this didn't work. i even uninstalled it and after the reinstall they were still there!
FlashFXP Developer
09-30-2015, 06:39 AM
Re: unable to delete schedule teaks

When the result is "0xD The data is invalid" this indicates that the schedule task cannot run because of a configuration error.

Perhaps FlashFXP is unable to delete the entry from Windows Task Schedule due to a permission issue or other.

Launch the windows Task Scheduler

How you do this depends on which version of Windows you're using.

Within Windows Task Scheduler the FlashFXP scheduled tasks will be listed under the FlashFXP folder and you should be able to delete them from here.
Junior Member
09-30-2015, 08:18 AM
Re: unable to delete schedule teaks

that's worked thanks!
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