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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 1035 Category: General / Unknown
Title: FlasFXP and Shared drives (Mapped drives) Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Minor Version: 5.1

Junior Member
04-17-2015, 02:23 AM
FlasFXP and Shared drives (Mapped drives)

OS: Windows 8.1 Build version 6.3 Build 9600
Patch: All the latest Patches for windows has been installed
FlasFXP Version: 5.1 Build 3829
FTPserver: vsFTPd 2.3.5
NAS server: Thecus 5200 Pro

Problem Description:
I normally connect a ftp server over encrypted connection and download a bunch of files. This works fine. I also setup FlashFXP so it keeps the connection alive to the ftp server. I also have a NAS server which is not on all the time, it get turned on and off.

Issue i have got with FlashFXP is that it becomes unresponsive after X hours. This happens when i turn of the NAS server and leave it a few hours /Over night. It seems to be related to the Mapped drives in Windows and FlashFxp. I.E the NAS server is on and all the Mapped drives are available. I leave FlashFXP on and minimize the window and shutdown the NAS server. What happens next day is that when i try to open FlashFXP it is unresponsive and window does not open (happens everytime so i have been able to reproduce this). If i kill the process and restart FlashFXP it all works.

It seems to me this is related to the Mapped drives / shares which FlashFXP does not manage correctly. This does not happen if i never turn on the NAS server and access the shared drivers.

Thank you
Essa Moshiri
FlashFXP Developer
04-17-2015, 12:42 PM
Re: FlasFXP and Shared drives (Mapped drives)


Thank you for your bug report.

When you minimize FlashFXP can you please answer the following questions.

1. Is the local browser displaying a file listing relative to the mapped drive that was turned off or the drive list (My compuer)?
(i.e. you have Z:\ mapped to the NAS and you're in Z:\ or Z:\some\path)

2. Is the navigation tree pane visible in the local browser?
(The first icon on the sub toolbar toggles the navigation tree)

If the navigation tree is visible, please turn it off and restart FlashFXP, with the navigation tree off are you able to reproduce the problem?
Junior Member
04-17-2015, 03:52 PM
Re: FlasFXP and Shared drives (Mapped drives)

Hi and thank you for the response.
Here is my answers.

1. Is the local browser displaying a file listing relative to the mapped drive that was turned off or the drive list (My compuer)?
(i.e. you have Z:\ mapped to the NAS and you're in Z:\ or Z:\some\path)

Answer: Yes the local browser is displaying the M:\Media\Movies (for example) which is a mapped drive.

2. Is the navigation tree pane visible in the local browser?
(The first icon on the sub toolbar toggles the navigation tree)

Answer: No the navigation tree is not visible when i minimize FlashFXP.

Please let me know if i can be more of help.

Kind regards
FlashFXP Developer
04-18-2015, 11:14 AM
Re: FlasFXP and Shared drives (Mapped drives)

I tested this with a couple different network mapped drives and I was not able to reproduce the exact same behavior that you're experiencing I did however randomly notice a delay when restoring FlashFXP which would cause FlashFXP to appear frozen for a very short period of time 10~20 seconds in my case, it's possible that the length of time increases based on certain unknown situations, such as the number of files within the folder.

In most cases however there was no freeze when restoring FlashFXP, in my tests I left FlashFXP running for several hours before restoring it.

The freeze that I noticed above appears to occur when we request file information from the OS, the call blocks (i.e. doesn't return immediately) until the OS returns with an error and then FlashFXP is able to continue with the next instruction.

Due to the nature of these function calls where we must wait until the OS returns the result we cannot control the length of time it takes to complete or avoid the unusually long wait time.

If there is a specific condition where the same function is called over and over and we can detect this, there might be a way for us to reduce the length of time by avoiding the operation all together, however at this point in time I am not seeing that as being the case. It looks like a Windows single operation and FlashFXP is waiting for the result which can take an unspecified amount of time.

While I see this as a problem I am not sure if there's anything that can be done to avoid it, the result doesn't appear to be consistent and the result is variable depending on unknown factors.

One thing you might try which may or may not help is to change two settings in FlashFXP

Options > Preferences > Interface > File Browser

Under the local browser
check [x] Generic shell icons
uncheck [ ] Overlay icons

Click the OK button and see if that helps. Aside from that I am not sure what else we can do to improve the situation but I am open to suggestions.
FlashFXP Developer
04-18-2015, 12:34 PM
Re: FlasFXP and Shared drives (Mapped drives)

I send you a private message with a test build that might make things better (its a long shot) can you please try it and let me know.
Junior Member
04-21-2015, 08:50 AM
Re: FlasFXP and Shared drives (Mapped drives)

Hi Bigstar,
Just wanted to say that this build you kindly provided works like a charm. In fact I have noticed that as side effect the dir listing both local and remote is so much faster and more responsive.

The issue is gone and as long as this fix gets included in newer build of FlashFXP I am happy to close this case.

Kind regards
FlashFXP Developer
04-21-2015, 05:55 PM
Re: FlasFXP and Shared drives (Mapped drives)

Thank you for the feedback, I am still doing compatibility testing on these changes if everything goes as planned (I don't expect any issues) I will include this change in the next public release.

The test build I sent you actually includes about a dozen different changes/fixes.
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