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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 1029 Category: Other
Title: Update incorrectly detects flashfxp running. Status: Closed (Not a bug)
Severity: Minor Version: 5.0.0

Senior Member
03-18-2015, 11:48 PM
Update incorrectly detects flashfxp running.

The last couple of times I have updated via Live Update the installer has incorrectly prompted me warning that flashfxp is still running. Live Update closes the session it was launched from. Checking task manager when the prompt is displayed shows no other sessions but does show two Setup processes "FlashFXP5_Setup.exe" and "FlashFXP5_XXXX_Setup.exe". Clicking next lets it continue without issue but the prompt does interupt the setup.
FlashFXP Developer
03-19-2015, 06:29 AM
Re: Update incorrectly detects flashfxp running.

This can happen on occasion, even though we launch the installer at the last possible moment before the flashfxp process exits there is no guarantee that the flashfxp process has ended by the time the installer is ready to perform the installation.

This is especially true if you have the LiveUpdate prompt for the download location because for whatever reason I have seen the "Save" dialog create COM threads that do not exit immediately (they're still running even after the main threads have ended). I am not sure if these COM threads are created directly by Windows or by 3rd party shell extensions that get loaded when the "Save" dialog executed. I have observed these COM threads lasting up to 30 seconds and sometimes longer.

When the installer launches it unpacks and then performs all pre-setup tasks, right before the files are installed we perform the check to determine if FlashFXP is still running and if it is we wait up to 5 seconds, checking once per second before finally displaying a warning that FlashFXP is running.

I'm not sure what else we can do to avoid this type of situation but I am open to suggestions.
(In the past we used a stub loader program that waited for FlashFXP process to exit before launching the installer and this method had more problems then I could of ever imagined.)

The reason there's two setup processes is that one is a self-extracting archive that extracts the installation to a temporary location and the other is the main installer which may or may not be running in an elevated state to complete the installation.
Senior Member
03-23-2015, 11:45 AM
Re: Update incorrectly detects flashfxp running.

I see, perhaps just an odd coincidence (busy system on my part maybe) that a number of updates in a row had the same prompt where I had almost never encountered it before. It did not occur this time (3820) which happened to be after a fresh reboot.
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