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Project: FlashFXP Feature Requests Ticket Tools
ID: 743 Category: General / Unknown
Title: BookMark Syn using user-define FTP / Cloud service Status: Pending (Under Review)
Severity: Minor Version: 4.x

Senior Member
07-12-2012, 04:20 PM
BookMark Syn using user-define FTP / Cloud service

The idea is to have a user-defined space that will allow online synchronization of bookmarks.

User-defined space could be an ftp (or sftp), Google drive or dropbox.

To avoid problems with not available internet connection, or VPN (no split-vpn) etc you should always have a local copy of the bookmarks.

Bookmarks will be synced manually (by user) or process will be triggered on any change.

Security is a concern: probably you should move to an (OPTIONAL) additional layer of encryption. You can, for example, encrypt the whole sites.dat with a user-defined pass (required to open sites.dat)

Its similar to xmarks (bookmarks sync to a browser) or a password manager (lastpass, roboform etc)

The idea started from here: https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/flashf...es-online.html
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