Originally posted by neo_26ca
like to know if its possible to run a forum off the http in ioftpd
There is one ftpd that allows this, but I'd not suggest it here
In the long haul, I have found that while playing with the top 3 MS ftpds you would be better off running APACHE with the .htaccess and .htpasswd and give it to whom you want to access your forum along with the address of it.
I used a few forums, but in the long haul found that VBulletin was the one to go with for many reasons.
It's simple to use and to as well add in all your "LIVE" files from your site or lists of archived files, it is done quite easy...and that is my BOT in a sense with the additional security over being wide open. Live chat and so on...easy to do.
Tested under XP and SERVER3, but XP is still a little glitchy as far as I am concerned...Server runs far better...