announce exception
I,m using ioFTPD 5-8-5r, dZSbot 1.15, Eggdrop 1.6.17 + descriptive error and ioA 1.2.0
It's working fine and I'm really enthusiastic about it. But now I familiarized myself with it a little and so I want more. I search the forum and tried to understand the tcl scripting pages, but I'm too green
When users upload smallsized stuff with a lot of nfo's my bot spams the channel. So I want to make an exception.
Users of my site usually upload to one directory only. But if they would upload this small stuff to another directory I could tell the bot to not announce stuff being uploaded in this directory.
Like adding a rule in dZSBot.tcl that if something is uploaded to such and such directory it should not announce it.
Hope that somebody can help me or show me where I can find some examples of similar scripts.