i solved it like this:
first: change the procedure 'basicreplace' to something like this:
proc basicreplace {strin section} {
#putlog "proc basicreplace"
global sitename col obrack cbrack sep
set output [replacevar $strin "%sitename" $sitename]
set output [replacevar $output "%bold" "\002"]
set output [replacevar $output "%color" "\003"]
set output [replacevar $output "%uline" "\037"]
set output [replacevar $output "%section" "$col($section)[b][b]$section"]
set output [replacevar $output "%scolor" "$col($section)[b][b]"]
return "$output"
2nd step is to setup what color u want for each section. You should do that somewhere at the beginning of the dzsbot.tcl file so you can easily change the values:
set col(EBOOK) "[c]13"
set col(APPS) "[c]3"
You will have to set it for every section but also for stuff like INVITE and UPTIME which also use the %section cookie (set col(UPTIME) "[c]0" e.g.)
Be sure to check the partyline of your eggdrop if you notice an error and add the missing set col line to dzsbot.tcl.