I did a fresh install of 585r and I configured the ioftpd.ini right cuZ I had another version of io running b4.
But when Im trying to start ioftpd.exe I get this message:
I have to click "ok", about 10-15 times for the box to dissapere.
ioftpd now starts and everything looks fine. But then ioftpd will crash in 5 days or maybe 10. And I get this is the crash log:
Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x7c81dc62 (0x00000000)
And finally I found out how to make the error box disapere, I made an empty "php.ini" file in my ioftpd/system dir. But now the php on my webpage crased.
So why are ioftpd.exe trying to load my php.ini file that I have in my c:\windows dir. Can this be a BUG? Cuz my site will not stay up more than 10days max.
(info: WinXP + SP2, 585r + ioA 1.2 + ioB 20)