!imdb [somemovie] doesn't work for some reason:
in chan:
[4:29:14pm] <@PopWeasel> !imdb elephant
no response in chan but response in party line:
[4:29:16pm] <ioSitebot> [16:29] Tcl error [imdb_proc]: can't read "location": no such variable
2 more examples:
[4:46:57pm] <@PopWeasel> !imdb American Beauty
[4:47:28pm] <@PopWeasel> !imdb The Matrix
[4:46:57pm] <ioSitebot> [16:46] Tcl error [imdb_proc]: can't read "permission_result": no such variable
[4:47:29pm] <ioSitebot> [16:47] Tcl error [imdb_proc]: can't read "permission_result": no such variable
btw, !google [somesearchterm] works:
in chan:
[4:30:51pm] <@PopWeasel> !google elephant
[4:30:53pm] <ioSitebot> Search URL:
http://www.google.com/search?q=elephant ::: Result:
## Enable !google command ?
set ioss(google) 1
## Enable !imdb command ?
set ioss(imdb) 1
## !imdb options
# you can optimize your search between 2 years
# default values: from_year=1890 to_year=2010
set from_year 1970
set to_year 2004
# for a channel !imdb request
# set to 1 = all results will be sent publicly to the channel
# set to 0 = all results will be sent as private message
set pub_or_not 1
# use or not the debugger (1=DEBUG 0=NO DEBUG)
set DEBUG 1
Need a clue here..have I misconfigured sth?