yes, i found my error, i have put the line in a bad order in the ioFTPD.ini, so now, all work.
Now, i don't say what, my egg :
|08:42| »» [`bot`]-::NFO::- New NFO uploaded in MP3/0208/SOMEDIR-GRP/file.nfo (monkey). Do "!getnfo 0" to receive it.
|08:42| »» [`bot`]-::NFO::- New NFO uploaded in MP3/0208/SOMEDIR-GRP/ (file.nfo). Do "!getnfo 1" to receive it.
|08:42| »» [`bot`] -:: 1st file::- monkey@Siteops was the first to upload a file in MP3/0208/SOMEDIR-GRP @ 13274kBps. mb expected.
I say 2 times the nfo, and when i type !getnfo 0, in party line eh say |08:48| »» [`bot`] [08:48] nfo not found: 0
and with !getnfo 1 he send me the good nfo..
Edit: removed release name