Here is my line in the cfg:
Http = DEVICE Any PORT 10000 MAXUSERS 100 PERMISSION "H =HTTP" SSL "..\etc\ioFTPD-rsa.pem"
ftp is on port 21.
I can't connect to:
https://localhost:10000/ but
http://localhost:10000/ work, here is the output:
220 ioFTPD [www:] - [version: beta 4] server ready.
500 'GET / HTTP/1.1': Command not understood
500 'Accept: */*': Command not understood
500 'Accept-Language: en': Command not understood
500 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate': Command not understood
500 'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)': Command not understood
500 'Host: localhost:10000': Command not understood
500 'Connection: Keep-Alive': Command not understood
500 '': Command not understood
operating system: Windows XP pro (english) sp1 and all hotfixes.