Alcobot 1.2.0 announce issue
[23:27] [AlcoBot] Starting...
[23:27] [AlcoBot] Loading packages...
[23:27] [AlcoBot] Loading configuration...
[23:27] [AlcoBot] Loading modules...
[23:27] [AlcoBot] Module Loaded: bouncer
[23:27] [AlcoBot] Module Loaded: ftpconn
[23:27] [AlcoBot] Unable to load module "ftpd": initialisation failed: the message window "ioFTPD::MessageWindow" does not exist
[23:27] [AlcoBot] Module Loaded: groups
[23:27] [AlcoBot] Module Loaded: help
[23:27] [AlcoBot] Unable to load module "online": initialisation failed: the message window "ioFTPD::MessageWindow" does not exist
This is when i try to run eggdrop, tried to run it manually & as a service none worked for the messagewindow. it worked before and suddenly it stopped announcing ..
any advise ?