[ENG] wont rescan folder that havent been uploaded to ioftpd
Hi i just installed ioftpd and have lots of folders with movies and i thought i could just do a rescan on the folders and all the imdb info/sfv info/sample info would be there but i get this error:
---------------------------------------09-10-2007 02:03:12 "..\scripts\ioSFV\ioSFV.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
syntax error in expression " / ": unexpected operator /
while executing
"expr [lindex $fasteststats end] / $sfv(fastestfiles)"
(procedure "showracestatscwd" line 165)
invoked from within
"showracestatscwd "none""
(procedure "runall" line 35)
invoked from within
(file "..\scripts\ioSFV\ioSFV.itcl" line 3952)
---------------------------------------09-10-2007 02:38:24 "..\scripts\ioSFV\ioSFV.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
syntax error in expression " / ": unexpected operator /
while executing
"expr [lindex $fasteststats end] / $sfv(fastestfiles)"
(procedure "showracestatscwd" line 165)
invoked from within
"showracestatscwd "hide""
(procedure "makedirbar" line 3)
invoked from within
"makedirbar "$good $filesneeded $sfv(totalsize)""
(procedure "rescan" line 311)
Thanks for your help