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Old 02-10-2007, 06:03 PM   #1
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Default ioFTPD crashes when using SSL

Well after a long period i reinstalled io again.

i followed the guides for ssl
1 make io running as service
2 create cert using site rsa
3 click cert, installed it.
4 changed io.ini to proper cert
5 set users to use ssl

but, when i connect local to test if it works it takes ages for that user to login, and the crash log is full with errors

Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x0042b29c (0x00000000)
0x00000000 0x00000020

Any ideas what goes wrong?
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Old 02-24-2007, 06:11 AM   #2
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Is the service running as a user instead of as system? I believe to use SSL you need to let it run as a user and to install the certificate in the specified "run as" user's store...
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Old 02-24-2007, 05:09 PM   #3
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correct, but io would return SSL not supported or similar and not crash(normally)
So reason for crashing has to be something else.
I'm using:

ioFTPD 7.7.2
ioNiNJA BETA Stable v0.8.9.6
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Old 03-01-2007, 04:06 PM   #4
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2 create cert using site rsa
3 click cert, installed it.
4 changed io.ini to proper cert
Looks to me like you created the certificate as io user, but installed it in the wrong store, then called a non-existent cert in the ini.

I can offer some help for version 5.8.5r, nothing after that because they have never worked for me, and AFAIK they are not supported in any way. It is not necessary to have the io service "run as user" to be able to use SSL. However, it is necessary to create and install the certificate as the user that is running the ioftpd, in this case, and in my case, as the local system account. This means you must create a batch file that does this and execute it within io, with io running as the user it usually does. This whole process, and it does work for me exactly as explained, is laid out in the knowledge base under:

Installation>>Q: How can I install a SSL certificate from ioFTPD running as a service ?

helpful reading is also the "installing an SSL cert" document in help follder inside your ioftpd directory.

Last edited by dink-puller; 03-01-2007 at 04:15 PM.
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Old 07-08-2007, 05:58 AM   #5
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i have installed SSL with io 6.1.14 running as service.
The first time it goes perfect loging in but after a reboot or rehash it still takes ages for a user to loging normal.
installed cert with io running as service under proper account, no error's this time just a wait time for almost 30 a 40 seconds to login with ssl account, normal account goes in a blink
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Old 07-08-2007, 07:35 PM   #6
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Is it the same account and non-SSL works ok, but SSL is slow? If it's not the same account it's possible you have specified a hostmask (i.e. foo@xyz.com) and the identd response or the nameserver lookup is what is really slowing things down as these must be validated before the user can login.

Also, where does the slow part happen... Before the account prompt, after the password is entered, etc. You gotta be more specific.
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Old 07-09-2007, 02:42 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Yil View Post
Is it the same account and non-SSL works ok, but SSL is slow? If it's not the same account it's possible you have specified a hostmask (i.e. foo@xyz.com) and the identd response or the nameserver lookup is what is really slowing things down as these must be validated before the user can login.

Also, where does the slow part happen... Before the account prompt, after the password is entered, etc. You gotta be more specific.
I tested it with ioFTPD (master acc) and a test user i created.
First i added ioFTPD as system service.
Added all possible hostmasks for both account (had problems with it before so i tried to be safe on that part)
With non-SSL setup it works perfect and here it hangs after AUTH SSL Successfull
Response:	220 FTP Server ready.
Command:	AUTH SSL
Response:	234 AUTH SSL successful.
Error:	Timeout detected!
Error:	Unable to connect!
No log file is being made also so i can't see what goes wrong.

Strange thing is that the first time i used SSL it worked like a charm, no changes made, but restarted ioFTPD for testing if it still worked and then it slowed down
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0x00000000, cert, connect, ssl, user

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