1/ Download
(1.0.2 is only intended for dZSbot, the output is not "userfriendly")
2/ Put the file in your ioFTPD scripts directory.
3/ Add a site command in ioFTPD.ini:
uptime = EXEC ..\scripts\ioUptime.exe
4/ Usage:
20:17:15 > site uptime
20:17:15 200-windows started at 30/08/2005 10:06:54 running for 0d 10h 10m 21s
20:17:15 200-ioftpd started at 30/08/2005 20:17:04 running for 0d 0h 0m 11s
20:17:15 200-sitebot not running
20:17:15 200 Command successful.
EDIT: i totally misread this

ioDiskSpace is only meant for dZSbot, i'll make a sitecommand-version for it when the new ioFTPD 1.0 is out