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-   -   list problem (build 857) (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/flashfxp/release-archive/flashfxp-v2-1-a/general/975-list-problem-build-857-a.html)

davutyy 06-19-2002 12:21 PM

list problem (build 857)
Connecting to ftp.adobe.com via Proxy
Connected to Proxy Port 21
220 InterScan FTP VirusWall NT 3.52 PASV (Stand-alone Mode), Virus scan on
USER anonymous@ftp.adobe.com
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
PASS (hidden)
230-Adobe Systems, Inc.
230-By downloading software of Adobe Systems Incorporated or its
230-subsidiaries from this site, you agree to the terms and
230-conditions described in ftp://ftp.adobe.com/license.txt
230-Web browser users: Click on Web_User_Click_Here.html
230-FTP client users: To connect, use "anonymous" as the login,
230-and use your e-mail address as the password. For example,
230-login: anonymous
230-password: ftpuser@adobe.com
230-If you are having trouble connecting or finding what you need,
230-please e-mail onlinefiles@adobe.com. (This e-mail address is
230-not for general technical support.)
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
215 UNIX Type: L8
REST 100
502 Command not implemented
This site may not allow file resuming
257 "/" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
PORT 10,2,6,236,4,3
200 PORT command successful

what is the problem?

I'm behind MS proxy but I use #10.
I tried with PASV and without PASV.
pls help..

bigstar 06-19-2002 01:05 PM

Does your ftp proxy work with other ftp clients? Perhaps it's not configured correctly.

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