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-   -   [Filled] Min Leech/Race Speed (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/ioftpd/ioftpd/scripting/-requests/8048-filled-min-leech-race-speed.html)

Safe 03-09-2004 10:27 AM

[Filled] Min Leech/Race Speed

Is there a way to force min speed trafic (kick user for too slow speed) ?


neoxed 03-09-2004 04:56 PM

Try ioBanana, it has a "slowrace" feature which does this. I really don't see a need for making another script if there's one that already does it. ;)


Safe 03-12-2004 06:58 AM

Thanks a lot for your answers. I ve efectively seen this :

# slowraces #
# slow_races: 1 to enable, 0 to disable
# will kick users off site (all connections) if upload speed less than
# 'slow_races_min_speed' kBps (kick announced in site chan)
# will punish the last user to upload a file in a race if it was uploaded
# at a speed less than 'slow_races_min_speed' kBps
# the user will loose 'slow_races_punish' MB (announced in site chan)
# slow_races_punish=0 to disable punish on race end
# applies only to releases with at least 'slow_races_min_files'
# not in any dirs in 'excluded_dirs_slowraces'

excluded_dirs_slowraces=/!ioftpd /pre /requests /___speedtests___

But, i tried and it works only during race. I d like to force during simple upload and leech.
bizniz i m going to try your lib. Thanks again all.

Safe 03-12-2004 02:16 PM

I tried to use the lib like this in ioftp.ini

#put in ioFTPD.ini (scheduler could be * * * * TCL ..\should be ok :))
iobw = 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * TCL ..\scripts\ioBWKIKKER.itcl
pass = TCL ..\scripts\ioBWKIKKER.itcl ioBW:BANNED

but no effect:(


Mouton 03-12-2004 04:14 PM

if your using scripts that aren't posted on ioftpd.com/scripts, please use their forums for support.
in this case, there's probably a forum on #iom0d website or something similar.

Safe 03-17-2004 11:30 AM

Can I try adding this functionality :

SITE CHANGE <user> SPEEDMIN <dn_speed> <up_speed>

Which file do I have to modify (I ll try to do the implementation) ?


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