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Yokki 03-01-2002 03:46 PM

FXP transfer speed
I would very much like to be able to monitor the speed with which i am FXPing from one site to another (like bitbeamer).

MxxCon 03-01-2002 05:53 PM

during fxp transfer no data about connection status is beeing sent to you.
FlashFXP can estimate how long it will take to transfer next file based on speed/time of previous one.

Yokki 03-03-2002 05:16 PM

Cant it find out by the speed the recieving server gets the files? i am sure the receiver knows the speed he gets the files.


Originally posted by MxxCon
during fxp transfer no data about connection status is beeing sent to you.
FlashFXP can estimate how long it will take to transfer next file based on speed/time of previous one.

Linkster 03-03-2002 07:58 PM


Originally posted by Yokki
Cant it find out by the speed the recieving server gets the files? i am sure the receiver knows the speed he gets the files.

The receiving server doesn't issue any kind of speed command until the file is finished, which is how FlashFXP approximates the speed/transfer time of the next file. There would have to exist an ftp command to issue to the server that would get current speed, but that would require an additional "session".

Basically what you want, like previously stated, is impossible. There is no other client that does it, including FlashFXP

mMhCkB 03-12-2002 01:31 AM

I have heard that a feature is being added to glftpd which will allow a remote command to be sent to the server and it will send back the current speed of your transfer. If this is true, i hope built in support for this feature in flashfxp would be added.

oxbcat 03-12-2002 10:17 AM

Why wouldn't you just get dual logins on a GLsite and check the speed yourself. besides i am almost positive that if you are allowed 1 connection that it would be impossible to check your speed. this due tot he fact that the current connection is already being used for the transfer, and logically there is no way around this.

my $,02

Fusion 03-12-2002 10:38 AM

Yes, unless that command returns the average based on the last few minutes.

oxbcat 03-12-2002 11:30 AM

but then again if were returning an average of the last few minutes then it would be no different a mechanism than is used now. I have been thinking baout this and i have come to another possible solution. segmented uploading. therefore if you make the segments smalll enough it would seem as if you were uploading a constant stream and would have what appears to be an up to date speed check. when in reality the your looking at a greater number of individual segements. there is only one major problem with this. server speed. with having the server check every segment and report back, this will slow the transfer down immensly. so all in all we are back where we started and we better understand the fundamentals before we go asking for the impossible.

here is another $,02

Fusion 03-13-2002 01:05 AM

Segmented transfers, like multi-threaded, won't happen without a near-complete re-write of the entire base of the program. You guessed it.. Not likely to happen anytime soon.

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