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-   -   Yet another post about french translation. (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/flashfxp/general-discussion/4704-yet-another-post-about-french.html)

UzEB 11-11-2004 02:44 PM

Yet another post about french translation.
Good evening everybody,

Yes like many others, i wait for the french translation of FFXP to buy it and like other french users on this forum i'm ready to help for the translation because i like FFXP but i like it more in my native language. (and also, i currently have time to waste :) )

I say french but it makes no doubt it's the same for other languages.

We need an internationalization of FFXP :)

Thank you.

ND- 11-11-2004 05:48 PM

If you know it's been many posts before, why do another useless post?
FFXP needs to be re-written for language support.

UzEB 11-11-2004 07:02 PM

Thank you to have recalled me what is useful or not, maybe you think it's useless because you already have it in your own language.

Several reasons to my post:
- the first one is because i await it with much much impatience.
- secondly, to keep pressure on developpers team, so they don't forget us. (i know they don't forget us but hey ! impatience!)
- and finnaly because i want.

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