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-   -   FlashFXP v3.0 RC2 build 999 released (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/flashfxp/release-archive/flashfxp-3-0-release-candidate/general/3912-flashfxp-v3-0-rc2-build.html)

bigstar 05-27-2004 06:15 PM

FlashFXP v3.0 RC2 build 999 released
Registered users can download the update via LiveUpdate, unregistered users can grab the updated build via the download page

A changelog hasn't been written, I will try to post one later on this evening.

bigstar 05-27-2004 08:34 PM

1. FIX: The Help tab text in the Custom Command Dialog came up missing.
2. FIX: Bookmarks weren't being loaded properly when switching between local and remote view.
3. FIX: Improved error handling for a list failure.
4. FIX: Resolved a bug in the "Allow local browsing during download" feature.
5. FIX: The Transfer Graph history wasn't clearing on clear.
6. NEW: Added new option Preferences / Options Tab / "Use old style tab stops"
7. FIX: Some FTP server replies weren't handled properly when using SSL/TLS.

anfo1369 05-28-2004 05:18 AM

does me no good w/o a license

MidKnight 05-28-2004 08:22 AM


Originally posted by anfo1369
does me no good w/o a license

buy one and it will be good for you

anfo1369 05-28-2004 01:53 PM


Originally posted by MidKnight
buy one and it will be good for you
I did Feb 8, 2002 for version 2.1, can't seem to get one for 3.x

anfo1369 06-03-2004 04:45 PM

Well, as of June 3 2004 I now have both of my keys
and could not be any happier.

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