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-   -   FlashFXP for copying files local (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/flashfxp/release-archive/flashfxp-v2-1-a/suggestions/3884-flashfxp-copying-files-local.html)

hannes1 05-25-2004 03:44 AM

FlashFXP for copying files local

I would like to use FlashFXP the other way round.
I would like to copy files from a local harddisk to a local harddisk.

Background: FlashFXP has a cool queue management for copying files from local harddisk to ftp or from ftp to ftp. I can first enque all files/directories and then start the copy process.

I could use a local ftp server, but I don't want to install it just for copying some files.


FlashFXP 2.1 (B 924)
OS: Win XP Sp1

Raccoon 05-25-2004 04:33 AM

That would be pretty nifty, I like this idea.

It would especially come in handy when transfering many/large files over a networked harddrive or slow internet shares, etc. This would be much nicer (and possibly faster?) than tieing up Windows Explorer, with the added benifit of exists rules, stats and graphing!

What do you say biggie? *sides with hannes*

bigstar 05-25-2004 11:25 AM

Yes indeed this is a great idea.

karma123 05-25-2004 07:53 PM

i thought of this awhile ago too but then i decided that something like that is maybe kinda pointless? i wanted to be able to use network folders with flashfxp to do this though and for some reason flashfxp doesnt like network folders very much i think

bigstar 05-25-2004 10:07 PM

FlashFXP should work fine with network folders, I do it all the time on my system. If you found some problems that you can reproduce please report them.

MidKnight 05-26-2004 01:32 AM

i use ffxp across network everyday, works fine. but let us know what your having a problem with

hannes1 05-26-2004 03:31 AM

Hi MidKnight!

I think, there is some kind of misunderstanding.

I want to use FlashFXP for local file copy because of it's queue management.

I want to enque a lot of files and let flashfxp copy them one after another from harddrive to harddrive (no network attached).


Using WinXP & FlashFXP 3 RC1

MidKnight 05-26-2004 05:46 AM

ok, not possible atm, but would be a nice feature me thinks.

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