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seanr 07-11-2003 09:55 AM

Help file not found
I discovered that I downloaded the version without the help file when I went looking for help with a feature today. I went to the site and downloaded the file and put it in the directory, but FlashFXP still won't find it. On closer examination, I noticed that FlashFXP is looking for FlashFXP.hlp, but the file for download from the site is FlashFXP.chm. If you try to browse to it, it only lets you select .hlp files. Is there any way to get it to find the file?

Linkster 07-11-2003 02:11 PM

hmm, thats unusual. If you don't have the help file, it should automatically direct you to the internet help...we'll look into this. I'm assuming this is with the latest version?

MxxCon 07-11-2003 05:03 PM

yup, i just tried to remove flashfxp.chm to another dir, restarted flashfxp and tried to open help file, it directed me to the website.

seems like seanr is using old version:confused:

seanr 07-11-2003 06:56 PM

I'll check that later. Thanks. Has anyone tried installing the latest build without the help file, then installing the chm file? Does that work?

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