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-   -   Problem with mp3 and wma file transfer (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/flashfxp/release-archive/flashfxp-v2-1-a/bug-reports/2210-problem-mp3-wma-file-transfer.html)

hevnbnd 01-25-2003 03:39 AM

Problem with mp3 and wma file transfer
Hello, I am wanting to purchase your software but have ran into a little problem. If this can be resolved then I would be happy to go ahead and purchase it. I am using windows xp and when I try to transfer any mp3s or wma files the program says:


200 Type set to IMAGE.


502 pasv is not implemented.

PORT 192,168,1,2,6,4

200 Port command ok.

STOR Tim McGraw & Faith Hill - It's Your Love.mp3

150 Opening BINARY data connection for E:\games\Tim McGraw & Faith Hill - It's Your Love.mp3

226 Transfer finished successfully. Data connection closed.

Transferred: Tim McGraw & Faith Hill - It's Your Love.mp3 3.44 MB in 0.00 (3,522.94 KBps)


200 Type set to ASCII.


502 pasv is not implemented.

PORT 192,168,1,2,6,5

The file however is not on the other computer that i transfered it to. I have tried several different songs and it does not work. What is the deal? Is this something I am doing? All other files however are transferring just fine. Please Help. Thanks

MxxCon 01-25-2003 04:19 AM

502 pasv is not implemented.
PORT 192,168,1,2,6,4

that's the problem. site doesn't support pasv transfer and port command send incorrect ip address.
what's your flashfxp build
post timestamped and prefixed log file look here for instructions.

try to enable alternative fxp in site manager

hevnbnd 01-25-2003 12:56 PM

I did enable enable alternative fxp in site manager but it is only for downloading. I am using flashfxp v2 Build 906 sorry i thought i put that in their in the first post. Any more ideas? Thanks B

MxxCon 01-25-2003 05:30 PM

we need to see timestamped and prefixed log. there is not enough info from the log you pasted

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