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J-J 01-21-2003 09:38 AM

Ctrl + F9
FlashFXP v2.0 908 - Registered
Windows XP - All updated


I was reading some thread about this feature. A guy had a problem that the "hints" were showing although the program was in the tray and locked.

I'm having that very same problem. When i minimize using CTRL+F9 and i type a password. The program is correctly locked. but hovering the mouse over the icon in the tray, the hints are still showing site information etc.

I have not added any lines to the .ini file as i just did a clean install of FlashFXP to a new directory.

Kind Regards,

J-J 01-29-2003 03:59 AM


Lizard 01-30-2003 11:16 PM

Use this ini setting in Flashfxp.ini

It was added in build 906, but it's not in the list of all ini only settings...

When FlashFXP is locked tray hints are now hidden for security, an INI only setting has been added to re-activate them. Add "dthwl=1" under "[main]" (without quotes)

bigstar 01-31-2003 01:52 AM

Yes this is a bug, it was supposed to be fixed in build 908 but somehow it was overlooked.

J-J 01-31-2003 04:19 AM

Seriously. This feature has a bug or something. No matter if i have the line, or set it to 0/1 in the .ini file the hints ALWAYS show.

I have tried removing the line "dthwl=..."

I have tried adding the line "dthwl=..."

I have tried setting it to 0

I have tried setting it to 1

No matter what i do, the hints are ALWAYS showing.


bigstar 01-31-2003 11:35 AM

J-J ignore the post by Lizard.. Yes it's broken...

J-J 01-31-2003 11:51 AM

NICE! I mean...it's not nice that it's broken :)

Just got confirmed that i'm not crazy. :-D

I will be waiting for next version then.


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