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-   -   Flashfxp tls problem in linux (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/flashfxp/release-archive/flashfxp-v2-1-a/general/1941-flashfxp-tls-problem-linux.html)

prime_123 11-20-2002 06:12 AM

Flashfxp tls problem in linux
Hi people

I was trying to get flashfxp to work under linux using Tls / ssl encryption , but i get this error when i try connect to a glftpd site :

234 AUTH TLS successful
Negotiating SSL/TLS session
Warning: SSL Context = NULL
Connection Failed

Could anyone tell me what to do with this , because i need the tls addon please help :)

bigstar 11-20-2002 07:43 AM

I haven't personally tested ssl/tls under linux, I'll test it later today and see what's going on.

prime_123 11-20-2002 08:05 AM

Hi agaiin

Thnx sure hope you could fix FlashFX with tls / ssl support under linux and tell me what the hell is missing though =)

Thnx and btw the way , FlashFXP is a damn nice tool :]

bigstar 11-20-2002 05:02 PM

It looks like the SSL dll doesn't work correctly under wine, libeay32.dll is raising an exception.

Exception 'EExternalException' in module libeay32.dll at 00035CB4
External exception 80000100

Call stack:
:10036CB4 [libeay32.dll]

I'm a linux newb, I don't have a clue what could be going wrong.

prime_123 11-20-2002 05:18 PM

You know if you guys are gonna make some sort of Port of Flashfxp to linux or just the dll ? .. or just a fact that im ****ED ? :)

bigstar 11-20-2002 08:11 PM

FlashFXP will never be ported to linux, the best we can do is offer it to run under WINE. The problem is with the 3rd party dll.

I don't think there is anything we can do, I think you might be out of luck.

kungfuzius 05-31-2004 06:24 AM

I know this thread is very old, but i just noticed that i have more or less the same problem. When connecting to glFTPd site with SSL i get:
234 AUTH SSL successful
Negotiating SSL/TLS session...
USER kungfuzius
421 Failed TLS negotiation on control channel, disconnected
Connection failed
Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #1

Very strange, because i'm really sure that SSL is turned on on the server, because with IglooFTP for example, i can connect with SSL but the client suxx :)
Would be very nice if anyone will find or has already found a solution for this problem.
I'm using FlashFXP in WineX 3.
Thanks in advance

Linkster 05-31-2004 10:58 AM

make sure that AuthSSL and not AuthTLS is selected. Also, what version of flashfxp are you using? please try using FlashFXP v3 RC3

Hetfield 05-31-2004 11:47 AM

With the latest FlashFXP versions (RC3 etc.) it is AFAIK impossible to run a fully working FlashFXP. There are 2 main versions of Wine these days: the regular Wine and WineX. With the normal wine you can make proper SSL/TLS handshakes but it can't list anything. With WineX you can't make a SSL/TLS handshake but you can list directories/files.
However, with version 2.1 of FlashFXP you can list *and* make a proper SSL/TLS handshake. So if you want to run a fully compatible FlashFXP with wine you have no real option but to use the "old" version 2.1.
Hope this post will help everybody who's looking to get FlashFXP working under linux.

bigstar 05-31-2004 11:48 AM

SSL/TLS doesn't work under wine, It's a compatiblity problem.

kungfuzius 05-31-2004 01:12 PM


Originally posted by Hetfield
With the latest FlashFXP versions (RC3 etc.) it is AFAIK impossible to run a fully working FlashFXP. There are 2 main versions of Wine these days: the regular Wine and WineX. With the normal wine you can make proper SSL/TLS handshakes but it can't list anything. With WineX you can't make a SSL/TLS handshake but you can list directories/files.
However, with version 2.1 of FlashFXP you can list *and* make a proper SSL/TLS handshake. So if you want to run a fully compatible FlashFXP with wine you have no real option but to use the "old" version 2.1.
Hope this post will help everybody who's looking to get FlashFXP working under linux.

Now that's strange, because i'm using v2.1! I couldn't install the v3 RC3, i got an error when starting the setup.

Hetfield 05-31-2004 01:49 PM

The way i did it was just copying over the FlashFXP folder to the linux partition and ran wine flashfxp.exe. With all the latest wine version there shouldn't be any problem running it.

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