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tertling 03-07-2012 08:59 AM

FlashFXP command line switches problem
Hi there,

I'm a long-time user of FlashFXP and recently started automating uploads via command-line switches. Now it turned out that some uploads were not ok, so I was looking for a way to create a logfile so I can check for broken/interrupted transfers later.

The helpfile states that I can supply the -logfile="<path>" switch to create a logfile for the session that was initiated through the command line, but whatever I try, as soon as I add -logfile the the command-line, FlashFXP errors out and reports this error in the GUI event log:

Error: " MyFtpGroup[strange character] MyFtpSite" -logfile="MyLogfile.log" not found in Site Manager

My full command line looks like this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashFXP 4\flashfxp.exe" -upload "\MyFTPGroup\MyFTPSite" -remotepath="/whatever/remote/path/needed/" -localpath="C:\Whatever\Upload\Folder\" -logfile="C:\logfiles\transfer.log" -c2

Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? I just updated to the latest 4.2 release and it still behaves the same. Any pointers are greatly appreciated :)

nayan007 03-07-2012 09:38 AM

Before updating into the new release did you faced any problem

tertling 03-07-2012 10:31 AM

The problem already occurred before the 4.2 update. I usually update whenever new versions are available and haven't had much of a problem at all during the last years. This is the first time I run into a serious problem (at least serious for me right now).

bigstar 03-07-2012 11:28 AM

It would appear that this part of the help file is incorrect.

Specifically the switch -logfile= is incorrect.

it should be -logpath=<path> and -logopt=00000000

1 = on
0 = off

Each index (1-8) identifies which log file to enable

1. log session
2. log uploads
3. log downloads
4. log fxp
5. log successful (must be combined with 2, 3, or 4)
6. log failed (must be combined with 2, 3, or 4)
7. log skipped (must be combined with 2, 3, or 4)
8. log summary

So to log the session only you would use FlashFXP.exe -logpath="C:\data\logs\" -logopt=10000000

tertling 03-07-2012 11:40 AM

That's great news. Thanks for the fast reply! I'll try that right now :) Will it overwrite an existing file or append to it?

bigstar 03-07-2012 11:58 AM

Within the log folder you should see date formatted folders created for each individual session.log that is saved.

To be quite honest since these switches weren't properly documented you just might be the first person to use them aside from myself and unfortunately I do not recall the latest time I've tested them. I have made a note to evaluate these switches to insure that they are working as intended.


You might need to adjust one setting in FlashFXP, From within FlashFXP > Options > Preferences > General > Logging.

Make sure the option "Store logs in unique session folders" is checked, otherwise all the log files will be combined.

When this option is checked each session will have its own unique log files stored in a date formatted folder, otherwise you will have combined logs for all sessions, which would make debugging extremely difficult.

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