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-   -   File Upload Download Prioritization ? (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/flashfxp/suggestions-and-feedback/13170-file-upload-download-prioritization.html)

kieranmullen 04-03-2008 01:21 PM

File Upload Download Prioritization ?
It would be nice to have an option that would transfer smaller files or larger files first.
Its not the bandwidth that is impacted by all the small transfers. It is the extra time it takes.

Thank you

bigstar 04-03-2008 01:33 PM

You can set a transfer priority based on file pattern in Options > Filters > Priority List

If you want the transfer order based solely on file size you need to sort the list by size prior to queuing or sort the queue by size after the files have been queued.

kieranmullen 04-03-2008 01:43 PM

OK thanks :-( Basically I use flash FXP to transfer sites so I usually just take the contents of the WW folder and dump them.. I dont sort through the sometimes thousands of files (i am transferring a 10GB website right now that is all pictures!)

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