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-   -   FXPing is limited to my upload speed (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/flashfxp/release-archive/flashfxp-2-0-release-candidate/rc2-archive/bug-reports/1301-fxping-limited-my-upload-speed.html)

PureNitro 07-29-2002 05:26 PM

FXPing is limited to my upload speed
Flash FXP v2.0 RC2 (build 862)
Windows XP Professional
ADSL 256/128, usind Dynamic IP address
ZyXel parks Prestige 600 series ADSL modem

I have tried fxping (site-to-site) from various ftps and they all render to the same conclusion. Speed of my upload is 12.8kb/s

Average fxpings averaged 12.8kb/s or lower

coincidende ? i think not

I have turned off passive mode, turned it on, i have removed my proxy i have reinstalled it... i have turned of the ftp proxy and then re installed it

all combinations rendered that speed or would not transfer at all

i am going crazy please someone help me

peace out

MxxCon 07-29-2002 06:09 PM

a few people also reported similar problem.
i belive what we suspect is that some routers that have NAT mess around w/ ftp packets and change PORT commands on the fly. this screws up FXP transfers making it go thru your connection.
to confirm this, if you can, install bandwidth monitor and see if your bandwidth is in use. also, if you can, contact siteop and ask them to check where data is being sent while you fxp..to your ip or other site. try www.dslreports.com zyxel forums. maybe they'll know how to (properly) configure your router.

or it could be coincidende indeed:D

PureNitro 07-29-2002 06:51 PM

i use dumeter

it shows upload and download of 12.8kb/s or less throughout the entire transfer


please someone help me i really need to fix this

i am desperate to fxp man

for real... please/...i am on my knees....

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