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-   -   ffxp 3.4.0 (build1145) ctd when connecting via Socks5 (https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/flashfxp/release-archive/bug-reports/11748-ffxp-3-4-0-build1145.html)

DAG2 06-23-2006 04:11 PM

ffxp 3.4.0 (build1145) ctd when connecting via Socks5
Had a problem since version 3.4 RCx - always when try to connect via Socks 5 Proxy, ffxp ctd (crashed to destop). older versions run fine. im using a droxy2 socks5 with user/passwd settings.

Any ideas what i have to do get this one working ?


MxxCon 06-23-2006 05:42 PM


djb61 08-09-2006 10:54 PM

* FlashFXP v[3].[4], build [1145], [x]registered, [ ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [x] WinXP, [ ] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [x] Yes & Model [Software freeBSD 5.2.1], [ ] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running firewall [ ] Yes, Name [ ], Ver. [ ], or [x] No
* Running Antivirus [ ] Yes, Name [ ] or [x] No
* Network [ ] xDSL, [x] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [ ] Other

I have also seen this problem, again using SOCKS5. I've determined it is caused whenever a site entry is specified by a hostname rather than an IP. When attempting to connect one of 2 things will happen:

1) Multiple echos of SOCKS: Connecting to hostname.com:port
followed by nothing, software doesn't hang but doesn't actually connect either.

2) flashfxp will close and return to desktop.

This has only happened since updating to 3.4, with 3.2 I could connect to the exact same sites with no problems, changing the entry for a site from the dns name to its IP allows me to connect with 3.4

Nothing else has been changed except updating from 3.2->3.4 , all other aspects of ftp sites, networking and OS setup is unchanged.

Linkster 08-10-2006 03:26 PM

thanks for your input djb61, we will look into this.

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