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flakfiser 07-02-2002 02:14 PM

email or SMS notification
i run alot of my queue's remotely - and it would be really kewl if FlashFXP could send me a message somehow letting me know that the queue is completed. Via SMS or Email preferably, but anyway that gets my attention would work.

vze33fdi 07-02-2002 02:19 PM

well, thats a novel idea, i would like to see that feature mostly email would be great, could then setup emails rules as well, great idea..

MxxCon 07-02-2002 02:35 PM

you could run flashfxp w/ queue from a .bat file, set it to exit after trasnfer is done and then run some other prgrm that will fire off a sms or email msg to you..

flakfiser 07-02-2002 02:40 PM

yea, i could do that, but thats extra work each time. it's not alot of extra work, but it would be very kewl if it was just a 1 time setup in flashfxp options.:eek:

TuKo_2 07-03-2002 05:03 PM

Very good idea !!

The SMS plugin would be very useful (and fun too), it would be a neverseen before feature.

cabal 07-05-2002 03:35 PM

i also requested this feature here


some weeks ago

still waiting

maybe this hot feature would be includet.

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Epsylon3 07-06-2002 12:10 PM

Yea, an option to execute programs on event could do that very easily...

If i was the coder of flashfxp, that would be the first thing i code...

sorry... some english gramatical problems ;)

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