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GuinnessGuy74 11-03-2005 02:05 PM

FlashFXP problem....
I have a small, but inconvenient problem with my FlashFXP software. When I transfer files, after the upload is complete it will say "Transfer is complete. Closing data connection." But then it will say "Transfer failed" and start uploading the same file again. After it says the transfer is complete, I can abort before it starts uploading again, and the file will be transfered. This is very inconvenient, since with multiple items in the queue, I would have to sit there and abort after every file, delete from the queue and restart so the next file in line gets transfered. Some time it will do 2 or 3 files in a row before getting to a file which it tries a couple of times.

Any ideas on what is wrong? Thanks for the help!


PS FlashFXP 3.2.0 (build 1080) by the way

bigstar 11-03-2005 02:10 PM

it's hard to say why this is happening without first seeing a copy of the ftp sesion. right click on the ftp sesion window and copy it to the clipboard.

MESak5846 12-19-2005 10:34 PM

I'm having a similar problem. When uploading multiple files of sizes greater than 75-80mb, FXP fails to properly "close" the completed transfer and attempts to re-transfer the same file again. It sees the duplicate file and the window opens asking if I want to skip or overwrite, etc. the file. Nevertheless, as is similar with Jim, I have to abort the multiple upload. (All files are still present). This, of course, necessitates close monitoring of long transfers. This does not occur at all with file sizes smaller than that size. (I don't know the exact "break" point, but recently files of 68mb have functiond properly, 96mb have not)

I'm also 3.2.0 (build 1080)


bigstar 12-19-2005 10:41 PM

I never did get the ftp session log to better understand this problem. Until I do there really isn't much that can be done.


For clairification though the "Transfer is complete. Closing data connection." message is a ftp server reply. Since the file is an upload the ftp server doesn't really know how big the file is, it just assumes it's complete.

The "Transfer failed" message comes from FlashFXP and it is the accurate status of the transfer.

One thing you can do is configure your file exist rules to skip files of equal size, that way if the file is in fact complete it wont be overwrote.

MESak5846 12-19-2005 11:03 PM


I will attempt to re-create this problem and post the session. Skipping files of equal size won't help me, as I routinely upload multiple versions of audio files of exactly the same length (size).

bigstar 12-20-2005 01:46 PM

After reviewing your ftp session log (in a private message) I determined that you're experiencing the same thing as reported in this thread http://www.inicom.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15790

As stated in that thread you might try enabling "send noops during transfer"

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