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WarC's scripts ioA, Warchive, ZR-Tools

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Old 08-29-2003, 03:41 AM   #1
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Default WarChive

WarChive 0.9 win-version

0.9 changelog
Removed use of external programs. Now using technology from ioA
Added debugmode with logging
Other fixes

ok yet another rewrie of parts in this tool. Big thanks to Mouton for noticing the odd behaviour.
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Old 09-10-2003, 02:51 AM   #2
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say i have
"c:\movie" /movie
"d:\movie" /movie
"e:\move" /movie

and i use warchive to move from c to d then d to e then wipe but its always moving the newest dir first so in the middle of my upload it starts copying over files to another drive.. then it becomes very messy.. any way to sort this problem? noticed it changes date modified on warcmove so now i have old dirs at the top of my dirlist if i sort by newest... is this something u could look into and possibly fix? thx for your nice work...
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Old 09-10-2003, 08:15 AM   #3
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that it changes creationtime I have got report of but moving newest?? Never heard anyone say that. But I'll look at it as soon as I get the time
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Old 11-11-2003, 06:22 PM   #4
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this script roxxor... thanx alot for giving me more freetime
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Old 11-11-2003, 06:38 PM   #5
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Default Howto make WarChive announces work with ioBanana bot in 4 simple steps

As you might know (B0unTy didn't hehe) WarChive announces work with dZSbot if you follow the intructions in warchive.cfg. Someone asked me if WarChive announces could work with ioBanana too. I helped him out a little and here is the solution for you other peeps. It's pretty easy and I guess some ppl already did this. But here goes... First open your warchive.cfg, ioBanana.tcl and the skin file you use with ioBanana ie. ioB_default.skin.

1. Add WARCWIPE WARCMOVE to the set msgtypes(RACE) line in ioBanana.tcl.


2. Add the set disable lines below the other set variables lines in ioBanana.tcl.

set disable(NEWLEADER) 0

set disable(WARCMOVE) 0
set disable(WARCWIPE) 0

3. Add the set variables lines below the other set variables lines in ioBanana.tcl.

set variables(NEWLEADER) "%pwd %release %username %group %mb %files %percent %speed"
set variables(WARCMOVE) "%release %relsize %oldvfs %newvfs %beforesize %aftersize"
set variables(WARCWIPE) "%release %relsize %oldvfs %beforesize %aftersize"

4. Add the set announce lines below the other set announce lines in your ioB_default.skin file (or what other skin you use). If you use sitename variable change %sitename to $ioss(sitename).

set announce(NEWLEADER) "-:: new race leader ::- %username@%group takes the lead on %pwd/%release with %files files \[%mbMB/%percent%/%speedkBps\]"

set announce(WARCMOVE) "-:: $ioss(sitename) ::- \[WarChive\] + Moved %oldvfs/%release (%relsizeMB) to %newvfs. Available space now: %aftersizeMB"
set announce(WARCWIPE) "-:: $ioss(sitename) ::- \[WarChive\] + Wiped %oldvfs/%release (%relsizeMB). Available space now: %aftersizeMB"

The set chanlist thingy is not needed since ioBanana already knows where to announce stuff.

All done!
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Old 11-12-2003, 03:13 AM   #6
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Lightbulb Extra features...

WarChive - Features... in Future Versions?

I would like to address a issue I have on several sites now where I run ioFTPD + WarChive (reason I registered and donated to WarC).
I can only put the Delete functions in Place.
The PC has only one HD (200-250GB).
And the Config is done like :


Would it be possible that the Archiving would work on how much directories (releases) there are in /TVRIPS

Example : max 25 releases (dirs) if 25 then move oldest 10 to _ARCHiVE ?

If that would be possible that would be great...
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Old 11-12-2003, 05:10 AM   #7
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Could someone give me a hint on how I Schedule Warchive? Ive tryed figure it out myself but I have no clue what I should do/type in the ini file.
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Old 11-12-2003, 07:00 AM   #8
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Originally posted by odd

Could someone give me a hint on how I Schedule Warchive? Ive tryed figure it out myself but I have no clue what I should do/type in the ini file.

WarChive = 0 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\WarChive.exe

Edit by Zer0Racer: DO NOT use asterix (*) for the minutes setting in Scheduler! It will launch multiple instances of warchive since it might not complete move to archive in one minute so a new one is launched next minute... and so on.. This will most likely fuxxor with your system!
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Old 11-12-2003, 08:04 AM   #9
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or "better"

WarChive = 0,30 * * * EXEC ..\scripts\WarChive\WarChive.exe

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Old 11-12-2003, 01:12 PM   #10
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Ok ive added that to my ini and renamed to the right path. But Ive still got some problem to get it working. First would someone like to tell me what you guys posted really mean(the numbers Ex)? Be a little specific in a noob way :>

WarChive = 0 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\WarChive.exe
Second, ive added line abow to the Schedule and edit the Warchive config to do this...

And this will move a file from dir 1 to dir 2(wich is on another drive) if the space is below 8gb and move all files untill 9.3gb is free on c:\

Ive got other dirs in the vfs file but ive only testing one dir to see if this script works and how it works before ive add it to real ftp.

It has been an hour or 2 now and nothing has moved to dir 2. Ive filled dir 1 so it is 7gb left. If it had worked it should have moved any files to dir 2. But nothing.

Sorry for this noob question, im sure there is a simple solution that I havent discoverd. But would someone help me on the road?
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Old 11-12-2003, 06:44 PM   #11
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if your config looks exacly as that it wont work. Syntax of the line states that you have 4 parameters.

newdevice=0|8000|9300 <-- this line is correct
device=0|c:\ftp2\1|d:\2| <-- this line misses two parameters.

Should look something like this
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Old 11-13-2003, 08:52 AM   #12
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Oh man that was some nasty shit! Hehe it worked greate for a while. After some 15min when ive walked back the the computer to check it out, it was really useing up all resources on my computer so it was laggy and stuff like that. Dunno what ive done wrong but warchive.exe had started itself 10 times or something that I had to shut down to bring the computer back to normal life

But It transfered 2 x 700mb dirs to the right location so I think that It worked from the begining but then after a while something happend becuase of all the used up resources. In the Warchive log every movie was added to the move list so the required free space would be reach. I think the problem could be that I had to many files in my test.

There is another strange thing. Many of the dirs was in 50x15mb files and warchive had started to delete some files in some Dirs. But if I look in the Dir2 where they should have been moved there are nothing there. Well something got real fockedAp. But it was only a test so nothing importent was lost. Gona give this a try again soon.
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Old 11-13-2003, 05:30 PM   #13
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my guess is that you scheduled it so it started multiple times starting to move around same things. try run it once from commandprompt. if it works then as it should the problem is elsewhere
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Old 11-14-2003, 05:52 AM   #14
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Yep your right. Tested to run it from commandpromt and it started to move file from ftp2 -> dir2 and it worked perfect.

But somehow the scheadule is not configured the right way. So my question is how I set it up to work better then before.
Iam still wondering what all these numbers means that ive wrote in my scheadule in the ini file.
WarChive = 0 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23 * * EXEC ..\scripts\ioA\WarChive.exe

And why it moved so many copys of the same file before was that ive had like 7 warchive.exe that was moveing same files at the same time. So something is not configured the right way. What ive notice when playing around in the commandpromt was that there only needs one warchive.exe to be run because it handles all files that needs to be moved to the desire free space. Nice script, just need it to run normal first.

Btw how long does it take for you guys to move a file around 700mb ? My takes 2 min - 2.5 min. But thats nothing.

EDIT: Never mind on those numbers. Ive figure it out stupied me.
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Old 11-21-2003, 10:28 PM   #15
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uhm... configged WarChive here, followed Zer0Racer's guide for announcing on IRC...

1) WarChive doesn't work from scheduler ( warchive = 1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * EXEC ..\scripts\warchive.exe )
2) WarChive works from DOS window ( C:\ioFTPD\scripts>warchive.exe )
Then I get output like this
- WarChive 0.9 ------------------------------------------------

- Deleting nukes ---------------------------------------
Deleting: f:\wi\BLA3\[Nuked]-bla1.bla2.bla3
!putlog WARCWIPE: "[Nuked]-bla1.bla2.bla3" "0" "/BLA3" "912" "912"
Deleting: bla1.bla2.bla4
!putlog WARCWIPE: "bla1.bla2.bla4" "155" "/BLA4" "912" "1067"
Deleting: bla1.bla2.bla5
!putlog WARCWIPE: "bla1.bla2.bla5" "189" "/BLA4" "1067" "1256"
Deleting: bla1.bla2.bla6
!putlog WARCWIPE: "bla1.bla2.bla6" "13" "/BLA4" "1256" "1269"
Deleting: bla1.bla2.bla7
!putlog WARCWIPE: "bla1.bla2.bla7" "649" "/BLA4" "1269" "1918"
Deleting: bla1.bla2.bla8
!putlog WARCWIPE: "bla1.bla2.bla8" "714" "/BLA4" "1918" "2632"
Enough space free on device

Well... it did worked kinda... here's my cfg (part of it):

As you see, folders BLA1 to BLA5 are all under same HDD, so when WarChive goes deleting stuff, it deletes as much as it can only from BLA4 folder... (still can't figure why from BLA4 folder and not from BLA1? maybe because really my BLA4 folder begins with an "A"?) Ok, so next time when I hit the limit, it'll delete some more stuff from BLA4 folder until it's empty (even if there is some really new stuf in it)...

I'm kinda lost... also I'm not talking about IRC announcements at all right now, I'm more interested in getting this utilitie to work...
The log format that I use in warchive.exe is default one:
warcwipe="%release" "%relsize" "%oldvfs" "%beforesize" "%aftersize"

Prolly it's not 100% compatible with new ioBanana 19? or ... damn I'm lost :x

btw, yes, I do use debug (set to 2) so if anyone interested in the log, pls msg me on IRC or send your mail in pm, I would really apreciate any help, thnx

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0.9, parts, rewrie, tool, warchive

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