Originally posted by Bitboy Simply running warchive from commandprompt it's not possible to write warchive activity into ioftpd.ini and so dzsbot cannot read any variable ...
Important: DO NOT use asterix (*) for the minutes setting in Scheduler! It will launch multiple instances of warchive since it might not complete move to archive in one minute so a new one is launched next minute... and so on.. This will most likely fuxxor with your system!
Originally posted by wooolF[RM] Results:
1) WarChive doesn't work from scheduler ( warchive = 1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * EXEC ..\scripts\warchive.exe )
The same could even happen here if it takes more than 10 minutes to move something to archive. Should be OK though if only configured to wipe old stuff.
Correct Zer0. Most problems that have been reported to me is due to people run it every minute. Thats not good at all if it start moving same release x number of times. It gets ****ed
Warchive is going for a bugcheck/rewrite of some parts in near future to handle different parts that could cause problems.