WarC has been working on
ZR-Tools v3.0 for some time now and we feel it is ready for release (to donators). ZR-Tools is more or less completely rewritten. Partly forced by unfortunate hdd-crash for WarC.
Alot of stuff disappeared. Well, it was for the better - eventually. ZR-Tools works even better now. I've been testing it for N number of weeks and WarC has been fixing the bugs that have turned up along the way. Just needs some minor adjustments in manual and it needs to be packaged. Should be ready this week.
What is new? I'll try and answer that as good as I can and WarC can correct me if I'm wrong.
ZR-Tools v2.x didn't work very well when banning files/dirs with special characters like () [] or !, and the use of * was dodgy. WarC made an all new compare routine thingy that works great!
New options for ZR-Clean:
# 1 disables ZR-Clean.log
# 1 disables ZR-Clean.nfo.log (that logs all new unknown files)
# 1 extracts any nfo from zip that is a match in ZR-Clean_Accepted.txt if one isn't already present in dir. Now your zipscript won't have to keep track of all nfos!
# As above. Maybe not needed since any decent zs extracts the file_id.diz. Implemented for those who might find it useful.
# 1 adds line in output telling how fast ZR-Clean checked/cleaned zip. For me it took
30ms to clean 4 files in a 5MB zip on upload.
# File extension of files that should be logged in ZR-Clean.nfo.log. Useful to find files like bday.jpg, bub.jpg, eclipse-shock.jpg etc.
Also new is
customization. Here's how I think it should look by default. Interesting?
ZR-Ban_Header ="426--[ZR-Ban]-------------------------------------------------------"
ZR-Ban_File_Banned ="426 File %file is banned!"
ZR-Ban_Directory_Banned ="426 Directory %directory is banned!"
ZR-Ban_Footer ="426-----------------------------------------------------------------"
ZR-Ban_Close ="426 Connection closed; transfer aborted."
ZR-Clean_Header ="\n-[ZR-Clean]---------------------------------------------------------"
ZR-Clean_File_Not_Found =" File not found"
ZR-Clean_Processing_Path =" Processing path..."
ZR-Clean_Processing_File =" Processing file..."
ZR-Clean_Delete_In_Zip =" Delete in zip: %filename"
ZR-Clean_Delete_In_Dir =" Delete in dir: %path\%filename"
ZR-Clean_Delete_File_Failed =" Delete failed: %path\%filename"
ZR-Clean_Extracted_File =" Extracted: %filename"
ZR-Clean_Footer ="--------------------------------------------------------------------"
ZR-Clean_Delete_In_Zip_Log ="Delete in zip: %path - %filename"
ZR-Clean_Delete_In_Dir_Log ="Delete in dir: %path - %filename"
ZR-Clean_Log_New_Nfo ="%filename <-- %path"
New is the \* at the end of paths (WarC's new compare routine thingy). Just as in ZR-Tools v2.x multiple paths and ban-lists can be used. Multiple ban-lists are very good for admins who want to keep different types of files in separate lists. I have group demo exes in one file, group crc check exes in another (if I suddenly want to clean them out of zips I just add the list in cfg), maybe keep jpgs in one list, one list for all kinds of tags you want to ban
(* [* !* -=* #* etc. Multiple paths to create global rules that work in all sections and/or to cover sections that are physically in different locations like raided vfs dirs.
The ban-lists that are included (created from scratch by me personally) contain
270+ filenames at this time. List of accepted nfos contains
210+ filenames.
That's about it. Oh yeah, ZR-Clean.exe can be run externally from command prompt to cleanup your current 0day site/archive. And it removes any zip comment.
Just imagine how much you can do with all of this.
Stay tuned...
Show your support and get this great script. And WarC needs new hdd.
WarC's utils:
EDIT: ZR-Tools v3.0 is out now to donators.