This version fixes several nasty bugs, and adds a few new features to play with. Here are the changes from Changelog:
02/25/2003 v0.92
* Removed the .net name from ioZS.
* Made progressbar and files count output in race display.
* Added VFS_CHMOD and VFS_CHOWN settings to ini. This is used for setting permissions on -missing files and all file/directory tags created by ioZS.
* If MP3 genre, artist, or year sort dirs do not exist, ioZS will log the proper error and continue.
* Fixxed a buffer overrun in .message file creation with MP3 releases.
* Fixxed when file_id.diz files are upped, they were being counted toward a race.
* Rewrote the EXCLUDEDIRS function, it now matches any specified dir with the current release dir. So if you exclude c:\, then anything upped in c:\ will be ignored.
* Fixxed ioZS sometimes hanging on .sfv file when deleting a release dir.

* Renamed the file that contained ioZS's race info from ioFTPD.log to .ioFTPD.race. This was confusing people when I asked to see the .log file, I'd get the wrong one.
NOTE: This will break deleteing (with postdel function) of releases created by older versions of ioZS.
* If INCOMPLETE_PARENT=3 ioZS will try to make the incomplete parent tag a linked directory to the real release. I've tried to compensate if someone tries to race from a linked dir (like the user clicks on the incomplete parent dir tag to get to the real release, and then tries to upload (or even delete)), but it is very bad because when a file is upped, the INCOMPLETE Parent tag is removed and updated. There are two ways to fix this: using a pre stor script that check to see if the user is in a linked dir, or making the INCOMPLETE parent tag a 'fixxed' tag that stays the whole release (doesn't update the % and files completed). I'll need input from users to know how they'd like this done. This option was requested by a couple people, but I kinda don't recommend using it (yet).
I also have a question. Does anyone mind if I remove the PROGRESSBAR_LENGTH, and just make it fixxed to 20 characters? Does anyone ever change this to a different size? I'm thinking of removing that option from the ini file.