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StarDog's scripts ioZS, newday

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Old 03-07-2003, 01:50 PM   #106
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Yes, you would want to replace the ioA entries for rescan.

I just finished the 'dead' link cleanup program. I'll run some more tests with it before including it in the next release.


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Old 03-07-2003, 04:34 PM   #107
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Exclamation v0.96 Released

I'll give you a present on my birthday.

From the Changelog:

03/07/2003 v0.96
* ioZS will now create a -missing file during rescan if a -missing file does not already exist, and MISSING=1 in ioZS.ini.
* During rescans, bad files were not renamed to *.bad.
* When an MP3 failed CRC check, it would output that the CRC was ok, and all the MP3 ID3 tag info, then say it failed. Now it outputs correctly.
* If a multi-CD MP3 was sorted, it would link to the last CD completed, now it will properly link to the release parent folder.
* Now if a bad file is renamed to .bad, ioZS will remove the -missing file.
* Added ioZSCleanup.exe to the package. This is ONLY needed if you are using ioZS to sort MP3 dirs. This program can be run as a site command, or automatically through the ioFTPD scheduler to clean up 'dead' links (folders that are linked to a directory that does not exsist anymore). To add to the scheduler add the following to the ioFTPD.ini under [Scheduler]:
ioZSCleanup = 59 23 * * ..\scripts\ioZS\ioZSCleanup.exe quiet

No ini file changes, just copy over the .exes and if using links, do something with the ioZSCleanup.exe.


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Old 03-08-2003, 11:57 AM   #108
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It seems to me that the rescan feature aint working 100% yet.

Since when delling files and/or delling/reupping sfv it will automatically update the dir (which worx nice btw) i though that the rescan feature aint really usefull now.

Since it aint working for me if i **** the files up using windows.
Try deleting some files from a completed dir, or rename file 001 to 002 for example, then do a site rescan and it will not rescan those files. It even marks the 002 file as ok..
The deleted files it doesnt show in the rescan (logically) but it also doesnt create / mark them as gone when finished rescanning.
Some example output:
site rescan
200- .---------==[ ioZS v0.96 ]-=-[ by StarDog, (c)2003 ]==------------.
200- | + CRC32-oK: 01-red_hot_chili_peppers-cant_stop-ksi.mp3 |
200- | + CRC32-oK: 02-audioslave-show_me_how_to_live-ksi.mp3 |
200- | + CRC32-oK: 19-july_for_kings-new_black_car-ksi.mp3 |
200- +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
200- | Rescan Total: 19, Passed: 19, Failed: 0, Missing: 0 |

As you can see only 3 files are still on my HD, and even though it doesnt list the other 16 it counts them as passed. Oh yea and file 02 is same as 19 in this test, so it shouldve marked file 02 as bad...

Hope i could help ya a bit
/edit as you said above:
* ioZS will now create a -missing file during rescan if a -missing file does not already exist, and MISSING=1 in ioZS.ini.
This is also not happening. So its like im running old version or something, but im not clean install made 10 hours ago.

Some total other thing which irritated me on tjzip+r* already:
When people up a single file to for example /Requests, it makes 2 useless incomplete dirs, 1 in root and 1 in the request dir.
Cant it be made like glftpd, so it only makes complete dirs when there is actually a sfv, not on lose files... This might be tricky with the zips then though, but would be nice that people at least can up single mp3's rar's etc Maybe some added option in the ini file to specify dirs for nocheck would be easier.
"EXCLUDEDIRS=c:\FTP\Requests\" is no option here since it will also exclude new dirs inside. So maybe bind this exclude dir only to 1 dir, and specify "c:\FTP\Requests\*" if you want all dirs inside also excluded..
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Old 03-10-2003, 10:04 AM   #109
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This is corrected for next release. I realized that rescan was getting the crc from the race info data, and not from checking the file. If the file didn't exist in the race info though, it would scan it. So, basically rescan will take a little longer now, as it will force a recheck of every file.

I've also redone the EXCLUDEDIRS= to allow just one dir, or recursive. C:\Request\ will exclude just Request, and c:\Request\* will exclude that dir and all subdirs created in C:\Request. This should make it more flexible.

I'll release the new version later this week, I think I want to add one more thing first..

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Old 03-13-2003, 02:30 PM   #110
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hiya stardog,

are planning a release for the new ioftpd thats coming?

many thnks,

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Old 01-01-2005, 09:08 AM   #111
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okay here's a problem i really cant solve

when i upload a file and then abort upload the file is bad i assume.. then you should think that ioZS will turn the file into a .bad so that another one or yourself can upload the same file again strangest is that undupe file is done automatic but the .bad not

when i do site rescan its renamed to .bad and all problems solved but my question is : can this be done automatic (not the rescan cause that would take forever) i have create missing and create .bad enabled ... maybe i have to do something with on upload error ? or... ?

hope that someone has solution for my problem

GR Sjon
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