sorry I wasnt clear enough.
What I meant was if I could put a word like this
[PROGRESS-BAR] it would look like this when upping.
[PROGRE######] -> [PROGESS-B###] -> [PROGESS-BAR] finished.
is this possible. NOTE if its not, dont waste time changeing anything, I just wanted to see how it looked. It might not even be good looking so if it cant be done now dont waste your time on it

But if it can be done without much problem would u like to tell me how?
Im not a coder nor will ever be so I have no clue what to do.
I tryed to change the code to following
return str_repeat("PROGESS-BAR-BLA-BLA-",$bars).str_repeat("#",20-$bars);
But then as I should have know the cookie just repteded it self 20times.