PHP pSio v0.0.9b
+ time elapsed for rls completion
* symlinks fixed??
+ php nfo/diz excerpt , 7kb [stable]
+ new mp3 php (faster - smaller)
+ time elapsed for message header
+ mp3 cache info (optional)
Originally posted by odd
Is it possible to read nfos in 2 or more cd-dirs? Right now I can only get nfo info if its a 1cd-dir :-/
whoops forgot . i'll do that in a while
Originally posted by chuddy
Hi Snype,
I'm just trying your PHP zipscript and its a nice work.
I have to modify to fit my needs :
- add a ban option on low rated movies,
- add a AllReleases mp3 sort.
It could maybe usefull for other people to add it to your native code
I was waiting for new ioA to add auto nuke stuff