NeoXed's scripts nxAutoNuke, nxTools, etc. |
10-28-2004, 06:36 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 18
Really thx for this needed script mate
But...i can't run it...i paste my settings:
PHP Code:
set misc(MountUser) "ioFTPD"
set misc(MountFile) "../etc/admin.vfs"
set misc(UTC_Time) False
set misc(DST_Correct) False
set misc(TimeZone) 0
set anuke(UserName) "ioFTPD"
set anuke(GroupName) "ioftpd"
set anuke(Release) True
set anuke(Sections) {
"/MVID/%Y-Week-%W" 0 {
in ioFTPD.log i don't have nothing created by anuker.
in ioFTPD.ini i have:
autonuke = 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * TCL ..\scripts\nxAutoNuke\nxAutoNuke.itcl
autonuke = TCL ..\scripts\nxAutoNuke\nxAutoNuke.itcl
Using: ioFTPD:5.8.5r and ioA:1.2.0
Thx 4 all
P.S: can be written a debug file to see what happen?
10-28-2004, 04:10 PM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
Join Date: May 2003
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What exactly doesn't work? Are there any related entries in /logs/nxError.log or /logs/SystemError.log? Could you please paste the output from 'SITE AUTONUKE'.
Note: There will only be output if there's a directory which violates one of the auto-nuke rules and exceeds the warning or nuke time.
10-29-2004, 06:43 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 18
ok...i don't have /logs/nxError.log and in /logs/SystemError.log there are no errors related to anuker.
With "site autonuke" i get:
[13.40.26] [L] 200-.-[AutoNuke]-------------------------------------------------------------.
[13.40.26] [L] 200-| Checking 1 auto-nuke sections. |
[13.40.26] [L] 200-| |
[13.40.26] [L] 200-| Checking path: /MVID/2004-Week-43 (offset: 0) |
[13.40.26] [L] 200-'------------------------------------------------------------------------'
[13.40.26] [L] 200 Command successful.
Thx for your help nx
10-29-2004, 01:53 PM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
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Well do you have any violating directories or not? You'll only see output if there's a directory which breaks one of the auto-nuke rules and exceeds the warning/nuke time.
I tested your configuration and it works fine.
site autonuke
200-| Checking 1 auto-nuke sections. |
200-| |
200-| Checking path: /MVID/2004-Week-43 (offset: 0) |
200-| Nuking: test.banned-iND - banned.release.-iND |
200-| Nuking: test.empty-nx - empty.after.4.minutes |
200-| Warning: test.disks.5cds-nx - maximum.of.4.disks |
200-| Warning: test.incomplete-nx - incomplete.after.40.minutes |
200 Command successful.
11-03-2004, 05:11 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 18
sure, i have empty dirs created and also incomplete rls
but...nothing happen then.
i'll recheck all the confs...maybe there is a problem somewhere.
thx, c ya
11-24-2004, 10:35 PM
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ioFTPD Foundation User
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Posts: 411
Works fine here =)
Had to add *nuked* to set anuke(Exempts) , otherwise same release could be nuked forever until it got wiped.
and my zipscript makes bad and missing files like this:
So I had to use this (in case someone uses same zipscript):
set anuke(BadExt) ".*-bad"
set anuke(MissingExt) ".*-missing"
Otherwise it works very nice Together with autowipe script of nuked folders it makes life easier for siteops/nukers
11-25-2004, 11:30 AM
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Posts: 94
Just one question how to include the announcing in iobanana v20 ?
I added those lines to iobanana.tcl but i get only this:
[MP3] + %path/%bold24%bold has been incomplete for %bold%age%boldmins, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins.
What did i do wrong i added those lines to iobanana.tcl:
set disable(ANUKEALLOW) 0
set disable(ANUKEBAN) 0
set disable(ANUKECDS) 0
set disable(ANUKEEMPTY) 0
set disable(ANUKEIMDB) 0
set disable(ANUKEINC) 0
set disable(ANUKEMP3) 0
set variables(ANUKEALLOW) "%pf %banned %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKEBAN) "%pf %banned %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKECDS) "%pf %disks %maxdisks %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKEEMPTY) "%pf %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKEIMDB) "%pf %type %banned %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKEINC) "%pf %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set variables(ANUKEMP3) "%pf %type %banned %age %timeleft %nuketime"
set announce(ANUKEALLOW) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold is not from an allowed group, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKEBAN) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold is a banned release (%bold%banned%bold), it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKECDS) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold has %bold%disks%bold disks, exceeding the maximum of %bold%maxdisks%bold disks, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKEEMPTY) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold is still empty after %bold%age%boldmins, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKEIMDB) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold the IMDB %type %bold%banned%bold is banned, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKEINC) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold has been incomplete for %bold%age%boldmins, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
set announce(ANUKEMP3) "-%sitename- \[%section\] + %path/%bold%release%bold the MP3 %type %bold%banned%bold is banned, it will be nuked in %bold%timeleft%boldmins."
11-25-2004, 03:40 PM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
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ioBanana uses "[b]" rather than "%bold" to bold text, I suppose I could/should update the readme.
11-25-2004, 05:21 PM
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ioFTPD Foundation User
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Posts: 94
oh groovy now i have bold but i still dont have nothing ....
[MP3] + %path/release is still empty after %agemins, it will be nuked in %timeleft mins.
Why doesnt it replace the var`s with actual data ?
11-26-2004, 10:25 PM
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ioFTPD Foundation User
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Posts: 411
After 2 days testing I got some "bugs?"...
that was once a sitebot announced that some rls will be nuked 3 times in a row (same second, same msg, 3 times)... restarted ftpd... seems like it fixed it...
and that scan that nxAutoNuke does... I'm kinda suspecious that it doesn't work correctly all the time (or maybe it stops after some time for some weird reason)...
I think some debug file like warchive have would really help finding those "bugs"... just a thought...
Can't be sure 100% about those things, yet, this script make me suspisious.
11-27-2004, 12:47 AM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
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Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
Works fine here =)
Had to add *nuked* to set anuke(Exempts) , otherwise same release could be nuked forever until it got wiped.
That's what the anuke(Prefix) setting is for.
# - Prefix for nuked releases (no wild-cards and case sensitive).
set anuke(Prefix) {[NUKED]-}
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
that was once a sitebot announced that some rls will be nuked 3 times in a row (same second, same msg, 3 times)... restarted ftpd... seems like it fixed it...
Was it announced 3 times (sitebot bug) or was it actually nuked 3 times? Check the ioFTPD.log if there is 3 log entries.
As for the other issues, I'll look into them.
11-27-2004, 11:17 AM
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ioFTPD Foundation User
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Posts: 411
It was announced 3 times.
11-27-2004 04:12:19 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "28" "12" "40"
11-27-2004 04:12:19 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "28" "12" "40"
11-27-2004 04:12:19 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "28" "12" "40"
11-27-2004 04:22:29 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "38" "2" "40"
11-27-2004 04:22:29 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "38" "2" "40"
11-27-2004 04:22:29 ANUKEINC: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX/CD2" "38" "2" "40"
11-27-2004 04:32:33 NUKE: "/XXX/XXX.XXX.XXXXXX.XX.XXXXXX.XXXX-XXXXXXXX" "AUTO@NUKER" "xxxxxxx@XXXXXX" "3 1323.91" "incomplete.after.40.minutes"
Best part, that release first came on the site like 20 mins before it started with announcements... and then it got nuked... shouldn't it be nuked after 24h and 40 mins?
set anuke(MaximumAge) 1440
11-27-2004, 04:21 PM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 1,326
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
Best part, that release first came on the site like 20 mins before it started with announcements... and then it got nuked... shouldn't it be nuked after 24h and 40 mins?
Where do you get 24 hours from?
"28" = Age (in minutes)
"12" = Time till nuked (nuke time - age)
"40" = Nuke time (minutes)
The 'MaximumAge' setting is the max age of directories to check. In your case, once a directory is 1440 minutes (24 hours) or older, it's no longer checked by the auto-nuker (this is to prevent unnecessary 'load' by checking older releases).
What do you have set for your 'anuke(Sections)'?
11-27-2004, 10:31 PM
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ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 411
PMed u my settings and here's an example of it:
set anuke(Sections) {
"/Section1" 0 {
"/Section2" 0 {
"/Section3" 0 {
"/MP3/%m%d" 0 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -1 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -2 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -3 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -4 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -5 {
"/MP3/%m%d" -6 {
"/Section4" 0 {
Basically, all I need is to check for 2 things:
1) If folder is empty for more then 20mins (after creation), announcement, that it will be nuked in 20mins. After 40mins (after creation) folder gets nuked.
2) All folders that are OVER 24h old (from the folder creation) should be checked for complete/incomplete. If incomplete, warn on the channel (24h after folder was created). Nuke folder after 20mins if still incomplete (24h and 20mins after folder was created).
That's basically it. I don't really need to check all folders for incomplete in the first 24h, only after that.
Maybe something like:
set anuke(minimumAge) 1440
set anuke(MaximumAge) 2880
could be implemented. That way, nxAutoNuker would check folders only after they are 24h old and check them until they are 2 days old (48h).
11-28-2004, 03:48 PM
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FlashFXP Beta Tester ioFTPD Scripter
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 1,326
Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
2) All folders that are OVER 24h old (from the folder creation) should be checked for complete/incomplete. If incomplete, warn on the channel (24h after folder was created). Nuke folder after 20mins if still incomplete (24h and 20mins after folder was created).
Then why are you using: incomplete|Not-Used|3|20|40? Wouldn't it make sense to have: incomplete|Not-Used|3|1460|1480?
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