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NeoXed's scripts nxAutoNuke, nxTools, etc.

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Old 04-12-2005, 08:58 PM   #61
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Everything seems to work fine, but I too am getting these errors while using nxAutoNuke/ioA 2.0.1B and ioBv20.

03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadScript : unable to source "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": couldn't read file "../scripts/nxTools.cfg": no such file or directory
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "nxHelper.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "mysqltcl.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
03-30-2005 20:40:47 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "tclsqlite3.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path

I am not clear as to what the fix for this is.

Thanks for any help.
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Old 04-13-2005, 03:09 AM   #62
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edit init.itcl
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Old 04-13-2005, 06:27 PM   #63
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Can you be a little more specific please ?
what needs to be edited ? i installed the script, on manual execute it shows that it is checking dirs but nothing happens, no error in log, no error in in ioa, its says all good in checking path etc etc.

i made dirs that should have been nuked like incomplete and empty dirs...

kinda lost here... help ?
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Old 04-21-2005, 08:22 AM   #64
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Exclamation ioA error... maybe a bug?

Hi, i'm using this script on a lot of sites, whitout any problem, but on one site i'm receiving a strange error (mp3 site).

whit the ftp client: Nuking: Va_-_XXXXXX-2005-XXXXX- incomplete.after.31.minutes |
[R] 200-| - Unable to nuke the the release, check nxError.log for details. |

I check the log an I see this:

04-21-2005 14:57:40 - AutoNuke : ioA Output:
site nuke <dirname> <multiplier> <reason>
child process exited abnormally

is that normal? It looks like the script is using a bad syntax whit IoA. I'm using ioA 2.0.2, the most recent one.
That's the configuration i'm using...

set anuke(Sections) {
"/Mp3/%m%d" 0 {
{empty {Not Used} 5 10 20}
{incomplete {Not Used} 5 50 60}
"/Mp3/%m%d" -1 {
{empty {Not Used} 5 10 20}
{incomplete {Not Used} 5 50 60}

I already checked the ioA path, the vfs ecc. ecc.... that's strange because I'm using the same config on other sites and it's working perfectly... May you help me?
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Old 04-21-2005, 09:00 AM   #65
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Actually, the most recent ioA is 2.0.3 atm.
That's odd indeed. It looks like ioA.exe believes that the nuke is called by a nuker and not a script. Are you running ioFTPD as a service ?
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Old 04-21-2005, 09:05 AM   #66
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Unhappy ioa error whit nxautonuke

No... it's running as a normal process... it's really strange but on the other machines is working perfectly, just on the mp3 site is givin me this kind of problem... maybe there's an error whit the cookies... %m %d... but the folder structure is as usual... /Mp3/0421 ect. grrr!!!
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Old 04-22-2005, 11:57 AM   #67
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timetwister01: It's more likely that one machine isn't using the same ioA version as the others. Try enabling debug logging in ioA.cfg and look for any clues.
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Old 04-25-2005, 08:06 AM   #68
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How can i exlude the group from getting nuke, even if it has a banned word in the release name ?

I searched through it and i dont`s see nowhere some exlude feature, or where to write it

Probably lame question, but help would be appreciated so i don`t wander in dark too mutch. :banana:
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Old 04-25-2005, 12:53 PM   #69
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# - Exempt certain releases from being checked (case insensitive).
set anuke(Exempts) {\\[nuked\\]-* \\[incomplete\\]-* (incomplete)-* *dirfix* *dir[._]fix* *nfofix* *nfo[._]fix* *nfoupdate* *nfo[._]update* *samplefix* *sample[._]fix*}
You sure didn't look very hard...
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Old 04-28-2005, 09:33 AM   #70
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Thumbs up

The Script works like a charm here. Great work NeoXed!

Mayby you should update the readme, that users using ioBanana have to remove/comment out the existing lines for autonuke from ioBanana.tcl and their skin file.


#set disable(ANUKEEMPTY) 0
#set disable(ANUKEINC) 0
#set disable(ANUKEBAN) 0
#set disable(ANUKEALLOW) 0

# Autonuke                                             #
#set variables(ANUKEEMPTY)  "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEINC)    "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEBAN)    "%pwd %release %banword %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEALLOW)  "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"

#set variables(ANUKEEMPTY)  "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEINC)    "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEBAN)    "%pwd %release %banword %timenow %nuketime"
#set variables(ANUKEALLOW)  "%pwd %release %timenow %nuketime"
No, I don't repeat myself. It was 2x in there. Once for autonuke and once for Warchive.

I had to work on it kind of a long time, to get it, why the variables were not "translated" for warning announces on IRC.

so long

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Old 05-06-2005, 11:38 AM   #71
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timetwister: did u solve the issue? Got the same problem and haven't been able to track down the cause yet. U'r using ioA 2.0.3 right?
What version of ioA are you using on those sites where it works?

Weird, the nuke-process worked after running io* as a service...
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Old 05-27-2005, 09:04 AM   #72
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Problem with site requests cmd.. add request wipe and del works fine but listing the requests i'm getting error.. here the log..

05-27-2005 16:03:08 "..\scripts\nxTools\nxRequest.tcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
wrong # args: should be "ErrorLog LogType LogMsg"
    while executing
"ErrorLog "invalid parameter \"[info script] $Event\": check your ioFTPD.ini for errors""
    ("default" arm line 2)
    invoked from within
"switch -- $Event {
        {add} {
            if {![string length $Request]} {
                ErrorReturn "Syntax: SITE REQUEST <request>"
ups ists tools not... autonuker;X
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Old 05-27-2005, 09:16 AM   #73
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UNiCHeF: The parameters for some of the files changed in v0.9.9 and it looks like I forgot to update the readme in some places.
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Old 05-28-2005, 05:49 AM   #74
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I get the following error`s when using autonuke script. As you can see the errors happen regurarly even tho the dll is placed in the system dir.

05-28-2005 15:03:33 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "nxHelper.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path

Also the script will nuke the genre goa even tho it`s not in the list. This is from my autonuke config:

"/MP3/%m%d" 0 {
{empty {Not Used} 3 1410 1440}
{incomplete {Not Used} 3 1410 1440}
{mp3 {Genre:*Blues* Genre:*Classic Rock* Genre:*Country* Genre:*Disco* Genre:*Funk* Genre:*Grunge* Genre:*Jazz* Genre:*Metal* Genre:*New Age* Genre:*Oldies* Genre:*Other* Genre:*Pop* Genre:*R&B* Genre:*Reggae* Genre:*Rock* Genre:*Industrial* Genre:*Alternative* Genre:*Ska* Genre:*Death Metal* Genre:*Pranks* Genre:*Soundtrack* Genre:*Euro-Techno* Genre:*Vocal* Genre:*Jazz+Funk* Genre:*Fusion* Genre:*Classical* Genre:*Instrumental* Genre:*Game* Genre:*Sound Clip* Genre:*Gospel* Genre:*Noise* Genre:*Alt. Rock* Genre:*Soul* Genre:*Punk* Genre:*Space* Genre:*Meditative* Genre:*Instrumental Pop* Genre:*Instrumental Rock* Genre:*Ethnic* Genre:*Gothic* Genre:*Darkwave* Genre:*Techno-Industrial* Genre:*Folk/Pop* Genre:*Eurodance* Genre:*Dream* Genre:*Southern Rock* Genre:*Comedy* Genre:*Cult* Genre:*Top 40* Genre:*Christian Rap* Genre:*Pop/Funk* Genre:*Jungle* Genre:*Native American* Genre:*Cabaret* Genre:*New Wave* Genre:*Rave* Genre:*Showtunes* Genre:*Trailer* Genre:*Tribal* Genre:*Acid Punk* Genre:*Acid Jazz* Genre:*Polka* Genre:*Retro* Genre:*Musical* Genre:*Rock & Roll* Genre:*Hard Rock* Genre:*Folk* Genre:*National Folk* Genre:*Folk/Rock* Genre:*Swing* Genre:*Fast-Fusion* Genre:*Bebob* Genre:*Latin* Genre:*Revival* Genre:*Celtic* Genre:*Bluegrass* Genre:*Avantgarde* Genre:*Gothic Rock* Genre:*Progressive Rock* Genre:*Psychedelic Rock* Genre:*Symphonic Rock* Genre:*Slow Rock* Genre:*Big Band* Genre:*Chorus* Genre:*Easy Listening* Genre:*Acoustic* Genre:*Humour* Genre:*Speech* Genre:*Chanson* Genre:*Opera* Genre:*Chamber Music* Genre:*Sonata* Genre:*Symphony* Genre:*Booty Bass* Genre:*Primus* Genre:*Porn Groove* Genre:*Satire* Genre:*Slow Jam* Genre:*Club* Genre:*Tango* Genre:*Samba* Genre:*Folklore* Genre:*Ballad* Genre:*Power Ballad* Genre:*Rhythmic Soul* Genre:*Freestyle* Genre:*Duet* Genre:*Punk Rock* Genre:*A Cappella* Genre:*Euro-House* Genre:*Dance Hall* Genre:*Club-House* Genre:*Hardcore* Genre:*Terror* Genre:*Indie* Genre:*BritPop* Genre:*Negerpunk* Genre:*Polsk Punk* Genre:*Christian Gangsta Rap* Genre:*Heavy Metal* Genre:*Black Metal* Genre:*Crossover* Genre:*Contemporary Christian* Genre:*Christian Rock* Genre:*Merengue* Genre:*Salsa* Genre:*Trash Metal* Genre:*Anime* Genre:*Jpop* Genre:*Synthpop* } 3 10 30}
"/MP3/%m%d" -1 {
{empty {Not Used} 3 1410 1440}
{incomplete {Not Used} 3 20 40}
{mp3 {Genre:*Blues* Genre:*Classic Rock* Genre:*Country* Genre:*Disco* Genre:*Funk* Genre:*Grunge* Genre:*Jazz* Genre:*Metal* Genre:*New Age* Genre:*Oldies* Genre:*Other* Genre:*Pop* Genre:*R&B* Genre:*Reggae* Genre:*Rock* Genre:*Industrial* Genre:*Alternative* Genre:*Ska* Genre:*Death Metal* Genre:*Pranks* Genre:*Soundtrack* Genre:*Euro-Techno* Genre:*Vocal* Genre:*Jazz+Funk* Genre:*Fusion* Genre:*Classical* Genre:*Instrumental* Genre:*Game* Genre:*Sound Clip* Genre:*Gospel* Genre:*Noise* Genre:*Alt. Rock* Genre:*Soul* Genre:*Punk* Genre:*Space* Genre:*Meditative* Genre:*Instrumental Pop* Genre:*Instrumental Rock* Genre:*Ethnic* Genre:*Gothic* Genre:*Darkwave* Genre:*Techno-Industrial* Genre:*Folk/Pop* Genre:*Eurodance* Genre:*Dream* Genre:*Southern Rock* Genre:*Comedy* Genre:*Cult* Genre:*Top 40* Genre:*Christian Rap* Genre:*Pop/Funk* Genre:*Jungle* Genre:*Native American* Genre:*Cabaret* Genre:*New Wave* Genre:*Rave* Genre:*Showtunes* Genre:*Trailer* Genre:*Tribal* Genre:*Acid Punk* Genre:*Acid Jazz* Genre:*Polka* Genre:*Retro* Genre:*Musical* Genre:*Rock & Roll* Genre:*Hard Rock* Genre:*Folk* Genre:*National Folk* Genre:*Folk/Rock* Genre:*Swing* Genre:*Fast-Fusion* Genre:*Bebob* Genre:*Latin* Genre:*Revival* Genre:*Celtic* Genre:*Bluegrass* Genre:*Avantgarde* Genre:*Gothic Rock* Genre:*Progressive Rock* Genre:*Psychedelic Rock* Genre:*Symphonic Rock* Genre:*Slow Rock* Genre:*Big Band* Genre:*Chorus* Genre:*Easy Listening* Genre:*Acoustic* Genre:*Humour* Genre:*Speech* Genre:*Chanson* Genre:*Opera* Genre:*Chamber Music* Genre:*Sonata* Genre:*Symphony* Genre:*Booty Bass* Genre:*Primus* Genre:*Porn Groove* Genre:*Satire* Genre:*Slow Jam* Genre:*Club* Genre:*Tango* Genre:*Samba* Genre:*Folklore* Genre:*Ballad* Genre:*Power Ballad* Genre:*Rhythmic Soul* Genre:*Freestyle* Genre:*Duet* Genre:*Punk Rock* Genre:*A Cappella* Genre:*Euro-House* Genre:*Dance Hall* Genre:*Club-House* Genre:*Hardcore* Genre:*Terror* Genre:*Indie* Genre:*BritPop* Genre:*Negerpunk* Genre:*Polsk Punk* Genre:*Christian Gangsta Rap* Genre:*Heavy Metal* Genre:*Black Metal* Genre:*Crossover* Genre:*Contemporary Christian* Genre:*Christian Rock* Genre:*Merengue* Genre:*Salsa* Genre:*Trash Metal* Genre:*Anime* Genre:*Jpop* Genre:*Synthpop* } 3 10 30}
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Old 05-29-2005, 06:17 PM   #75
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Originally posted by PaRaNoiD_JaCK
I get the following error`s when using autonuke script. As you can see the errors happen regurarly even tho the dll is placed in the system dir.

05-28-2005 15:03:33 - LoadExtension : couldn't load library "nxHelper.dll": this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
When I rewrote nxHelper v2.1 (and its makefile), I dynamically linked against msvcrt instead of statically against libcmt. So your system is most likely missing msvcrt71.dll, a dependency of nxHelper.dll. I removed the dependency in nxTools-Libraries-v5, download from http://www.ioftpd.com/scripts/script.php?id=167.

Originally posted by PaRaNoiD_JaCK
Also the script will nuke the genre goa even tho it`s not in the list. This is from my autonuke config:
You misread (or didn't read) the comments in nxAutoNuke.cfg.

#   MP3:
#     - Nuke banned genres or unaccepted years.
#     - Check Settings: genre:<banned genre> year:<allowed year>
nxAutoNuke will only nuke defined genres, not the other way around. And strings with multiple words should be enclosed in braces, for example.

Wrong: Genre:*Death Metal*
Right: {Genre:*Death Metal*}
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autonuke, false, ioftpd, set, tcl

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